
Japan so far

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and keeping busy. I am preparing this race report on the Narita Express from Shinagawa where I have been staying with Athens Olympic Medalist Ngatsuka Tomohiro since my last race in Toride a few days ago.
My first race this season was in the bustling area of Keiokaku in NE Tokyo. It is a wealthy velodrome that attracts a large number of punters and has a huge fan base due to the superb infrastructure. It's a pretty amazing place to be locked away for four days and race.

Planning is well underway for this event and online entry has now been opened. Click here for all details

Last years Overall winners in the age groups were

yr 7/8 Girls Libby Arbuckle  
Yr 7/8 Boys Flyn Yates  
under 15 Girls Michaela Drummond  
under 15 Boys Campbell Stewart  
under 17 Girls Kate Stewart  
under 17 Boys Josh Kendall  
under 20 Girls Kelsi Eccles  
under 20 Boys Mark Findlay  

With all of these riders going up an age group it will be interesting to see who the overall winners are this year.

This is what summer in Italy is like I will stick to the current NZ winter.

The snow and bad weather has made this year's Giro d'Italia one of the most testing editions of the Corsa Rosa ever, and the riders still in the peloton after 16 difficult stages are likely to face even more testing conditions before the end of the race in Brescia on Sunday.

Riders pedal through the snow during stage 15 of the Giro d'Italia - Giro d'Italia 2013: race organisers RCS Sport expect to cut key climbs from mountain stages due to weather warnings

Snow patrol: riders have had to endure some unseasonably cold days in the saddle Photo: REUTERS

By Stephen Farrand,

1:15PM BST 22 May 2013


Snow, rain and cold conditions are forecast for the rest of the week in northern Italy, with a cold front expected to dump snow on the Dolomites and force race organiser RCS Sport to cut several of the legendary climbs scheduled for Friday and Saturday, writes

With the weather forecast for showers it did not look hopeful for the 5th running of the Laskey Cycles Manfeild 6 hour challenge. However the forecasters must have got it wrong as although it was overcast there was hardly a breath of wind  as all cyclists headed out for the first lap of the Manfeild 3km course following the pace car.

Teams and solo riders had come from across the North Island to see how many laps they could complete in the given 6 hour period. As soon as the pace car pulled off at the end of the front straight the tempo jumped with a large bunch drawing off the tail riders at speeds over 45km/hr. But this was only the first lap of many so as people settled into the work ahead the speed dropped to a manageable pace. This year saw riders on tandems as well as a bike with a reclining seat on the front so a family could take the younger members out on the circuit.

My name is Sharon O'Hara. I have been cycling for approximately 5 years and have competed in the Taupo Cycle challenge 3 times now. I am totally blind, and for this reason I cycle on a tandem. My cycle partner for 5 years is now more heavily involved in mountain biking which has left me with little saddle time and I am now looking for a new cycle partner. Having competed in the Taupo event 3 times along with a number of other cycle events, and having been used to training 3 to 4 times a week for up to 80-90kms I am reasonably fit and by no means a novice. I would dearly like to find a new training partner and am wondering if your club could help me in any way by circlulating this to your members?
I have my own bike which is a Road Cannondale Tandem but am just needing someone to ride the tandem with me and focus on joint goals. If you would like to contact me my number is 06 353 2123