Bike Manawatu Member Profile


Name;Colin Anderson.

Nickname; Wal.

Relationship status; Married to Christine.

Favourite food;T Bone steak with all the trimmings.

Favourite Movies:Dramas.Green Mile,Dr Zhivago.

Favourite Cyclist:Nathan Dalhberg who urged me home in my first 275km cycle.

Favourite sports person:Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali).

Favourite place to Holiday;Anywhere warm.

Most influential people in your life;Parents and siblings.

What famous 5 people would you invite to your place for dinner:Executives of

Starship,Canteen,Heart Children,Ronald McDonald House, Cat Walk Trust.

What is your greatest fear;Getting tipped off cycling by a motorist or truckie.

If you were a super hero what would your super power be;Big strong legs to climb hills better.

What did you want to be when you were little;A Chicken or Chook farmer.

What three words would your best friends use to describe you:Attacker,Girly blouse( if wet),hopeful


Where do you see yourself in cycling terms in 5 years time; Still being able to enjoy the fun,banter

and coffee of recreational cycling.

I asked Colin what have been most two challenging events of his long and successful career.His

answer;My first 1200km ride,Boston-Montreal- Boston.Full of trepidation,can I do it, will I get lost,

where will I kip( Taupo has big mail boxes), and what will I eat! A close second the Cape Reinga-

Bluff solo 2158km ride with the support of awesome Manawatu Masters members and family.

Thank you Colin you are a club legend.

Hi my name is Kelly Johnson and I am the deputy chair of Bike Manawatu. I was a competitive downhill mountain biker competing on the national circuit before becoming a mum, now I have moved into the recreational cycling space. I have worked for Sport Manawatu for 8 years, working with a number of clubs helping them in both operational and governance areas. I look forward to working with the board and club members on building and sustaining strong infrastructure to ensure that Bike Manawatu can continue to provide a great club for both competitive and recreational cyclists of all ages.

Austin SmithHi, I’m Austin Smith and have recently become a member of the Bike Manawatu Board. I have been a keen social cyclist for the last 15 years and a member of the club since 2005. I ride regularly with mid week groups, Saturday rides and the BM rides on Sunday.  I try to ride the locally organised rides each year and enjoy the social aspect of the rides in Palmerston North.

Please feel free to talk to me on rides about any concerns or ideas you have for the future of cycling and the direction of club. For the club to prosper and improve we must all work together to support competitive, social, and beginning riders. While each group has differing needs as a team we can build upon the sound foundation that the past membership and committee has built for Bike Manawatu.

Steve StannardHi, my name is Steve Stannard and I’m the Chair of the Board of Bike Manawatu.

I am a commuter, recreational, touring, and (sometime) competitive cyclist, and in my spare time I work at Massey University as a Professor in Exercise Physiology.

All of my family are Bike Manawatu members and actively ride and compete in racing.

Apart from undertaking the normal duties of a chair in an organisation, I am keen on ensuring that Bike Manawatu remains the pre-eminent club for developing young cyclists in NZ, and is able regularly and successfully host of a variety of competitive and fun events for all types of riders.

Growing up in Switzerland gave me a solid base to be involved in a number of different sports –cycling was something I did for cross training purposes to balance my competitive running. Funny enough I never competed in a bike race in Switzerland – looking back now I wish I did of course!

It wasn’t for some decades and after I settled in NZ (and Palmerston North) that the cycling bug got hold of me. First I simply rode to stay fit, then I started to train “a bit” to keep up with the other Masters riders and in 2001 I did rather well in the Lake Taupo challenge with 4hr19min. After that I got hooked on road and track racing and trained a bit more! One of the highlights was the World Masters Games in Edmonton (Canada) where I sprinted to a Bronze medal in the road race. I also went to Manchester twice for the Masters Track World Championship – an amazing event and memories I will cherish.

In 2003, I completed a commisaires course as a way of supporting the club and cycling. Over the years I started to help other cyclists with some training advice and in 2012 I finished the coaching course offered by BikeNZ. Currently I assist a handful of junior riders with their training needs, something I thoroughly enjoy.

I work at the Fonterra Research Centre here in Palmerston North as the Maintenance and Development manager.

I hope I can pass some of my knowledge and passion on to many within the Club and the wider community in the Manawatu. It’s a fantastic sport – where you alone set the limits!
