My name is Sharon O'Hara. I have been cycling for approximately 5 years and have competed in the Taupo Cycle challenge 3 times now. I am totally blind, and for this reason I cycle on a tandem. My cycle partner for 5 years is now more heavily involved in mountain biking which has left me with little saddle time and I am now looking for a new cycle partner. Having competed in the Taupo event 3 times along with a number of other cycle events, and having been used to training 3 to 4 times a week for up to 80-90kms I am reasonably fit and by no means a novice. I would dearly like to find a new training partner and am wondering if your club could help me in any way by circlulating this to your members?
I have my own bike which is a Road Cannondale Tandem but am just needing someone to ride the tandem with me and focus on joint goals. If you would like to contact me my number is 06 353 2123