Bike Manawatu’s approach back to cycling under Delta Alert Level 2 guidelines

The Delta variant has spread rapidly worldwide and is now the main variant in many countries, including NZ. It is the most transmissible variant, spreading a lot easier than the original version of the COVID-19 virus and other variants and requires additional consideration.

IMPORTANT Information to all riders, volunteers and race officials involved in our Bike Manawatu Event.
Under Delta Level 2 the event is able to go ahead but there will be conditions.

  • Sport and Recreation activities are limited to groups of 100 in a defined space in an outdoor space.
  • Please stay home if you are sick
  • A QR code will be available for all riders, volunteers and spectators
  • Social distancing is to be maintained for everyone during the event, but riders are not subject to it during the active competition part of their race.
  • Masks should be worn by everyone at all times, except during the active competition
  • Hand hygiene,please use sanitizer available if touching surfaces
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette. Please be considerate of others and no spitting, coughing or clearing your nose in the bunch
  • No cash payments will be accepted
  • No late registrations on the day will be accepted
  • Avoid touching surfaces & avoid sharing equipment
  • No congregating pre or post event, please vacate the area in a timely manner
  • No prize giving to take place under level 2 guidelines

Bike Manawatu Event Information