Up & Coming Events for week ending 14th August 2020

Please click here to view Cycling New Zealand’s information on COVID-19
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and events registrations for updates on postponements and cancellations

Sunday 16th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Kairanga ITT
Bike Manawatu - Kairanga ITT - Pre register Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 19th August
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 23rd August
Manawatu Schools Cycling - Road Race Colyton Nationals course
Bike Manawatu Colyton Road Race after schools – Pre register here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 26th August
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 30th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – TTT Rongotea
Bike Manawatu - TTT Rongotea (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team) Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 2nd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 5th September
North Island Schools Road Championships

Sunday 6th September
North Island Schools Road Championships
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 9th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 13th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton TTT
Bike Manawatu Colyton TTT (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team)- Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 20th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton Nationals Course
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Dynamo Race 1 – Cambridge

Wednesday 23rd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 26th September
National School Road Championships

Sunday 27th September
National School Road Championships
Trust House 1
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Monday 28th September
National School Road Championships

Wednesday 30th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Other Important Dates
Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More

Colyton Hiwinui Circuit – 23rd August 2020

11am Start Time
All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 12 noon  Saturday 22/08/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
Please note: we will not run this event if we do not get sufficient registrations
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here
Please Pre Register HERE

Start & Meet - Riders will assemble outside Colyton School – 421 Colyton Road
Registration 10.15am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van outside Colyton School)
Race briefing 10:45am - all riders must attend
First grade off at 11am

A Grade – 2 Laps – 36.74 km
B Grade – 2 Laps – 36.74 km
C Grade – 1 Lap 18.37 km
D Grade – 1 Lap 18.37 km
E Grade –  1 Lap - 18.37 km

(All Course notes are below) –

*Distances are subject to be changed to 
A Grade – 3 Laps – 55.2 km 
B Grade – 3 Laps – 55.2 km 
C Grade – 2 Lap 36.74 km 
D Grade – 1 Lap 18.37 km 
E Grade –  1 Lap - 18.37 km

The Colyton / Hiwinui circuit (anti-clockwise) is a 18.37 km loop.
An excellent event for all ages and stages.
Come out and test yourself  - We would love to see you.

$5 members / $10 non-members – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference

Please do not attend our event if you are unwell

This will be a joint event between Manawatu School Cycling (MSC) and Bike Manawatu (BM). MSC will race 9-11am and BM 11am to 12.30pm. Riders will assemble at the Colyton Hall, A & B Grade will ride 55.2 km C Grade 36.74 km, D & E Grade 18.37 km. 


Good Morning Everyone

Are you needing a Bike Manawatu uniform?
Please be advised that tomorrow is the final day for Bike Manawatu uniform purchases to be placed.
Unfortunately due to the current world wide situation with covid-19 we can not confirm when our next order will be placed, therefore we do encourage orders to be placed now for the up and coming season as we will not be ordering club stock.

Please place all orders online via the link below.

Order must be in BEFORE Tuesday 11th August 2020
Open now
Closes Aug 11th
Est delivery Sept 9th

For all information please click here

Thank you

Kairanga ITT – 16 August 2020

** Start Time 9am - please click here for more info with the latest on Covid protocols etc & Start List 
All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 9.30am Friday 14/08/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here
Please Pre Register HERE

Riders will assemble outside the Kairanga Horizons Depot / Yard - 1117 Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road
Riders off in 30 second intervals (see course notes below)
$5 members / $10 non-members – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference

Please do not attend our event if you are unwell

This will be a joint event between Manawatu School Cycling (MSC) and Bike Manawatu (BM). MSC will begin their ITT  at 9am and BM will start afterwards TBC.


  • The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. Under the new Level 2 guidelines we are able to run this event on the basis that we stay below the requirement of under 100 pers and the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.
    As information is still coming to light please bear with us while we await further detail - we will be sure to pop up new information as soon as we are aware.
  • Registration will be just before the start line at a table. There will be a marshal / volunteer to assist and direct standing within the 2-meter rule
  • Please use the hand sanitiser provided before registering
  • Please remember to continue to practise social distancing.
  • Bike Manawatu riders to  locate at the Kairanga School for warm up etc.



  • Please be aware Manawatu Schools Cycling will be running their event on the same course starting at 9am so parking may be quite sparse
  • All parking is to be well off the road – please respect the Kairanga residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge - Parking will be available outside Kairanga School area
  • Please proceed to registration


  • As we have been trailing for some time the number allocated for this event will be your permanent number for all future BM events. We are redistributing new fabric numbers to all members.
  • Non members will be given a number however if you are not planning to continue to attend Bike Manawatu club events please return your bib number at the completion of the race or you may be invoiced for a replacement.
  • Please look after your race numbers and bring it to ALL club events, we do not have spares for you if you forget it on the day.
  • If you have not received your number yet we will have it ready for you at registration.
  • Race Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top, readable in the prone riding position.


  • Registration will be at the Horizons Yard near our Timing Van. There will be a volunteer helping
  • We will have hand sanitiser available at registration
  • $5 members / $10 non-members – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference
  • Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number, grab your transponder and go to the start area awaiting the race managers briefing.
  • Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
  • Please read all notices at the registration desk, a repeat of the rider briefing and safety notes set out below
  • It is your responsibility to ensure your transponder is on correctly if it is not it may not read on our system, therefore you may not receive a finish time.

Transponders - Sunday 16th August - will be manual timed by MSC

  • Each rider will be issued with a Transponder:
  • Your transponder holder should be 4 fingers under the rim (remember to take the sticky tape off the holder and don't put the cable ties through the spokes)
  • Left hand side of the fork - shiny side facing out
  • Once your finished use some snips and take the length off the cable ties – we will have some at the start line for you.
  • Step 1 – Remove the Backing Tape on the black holder.
    Position black holder on Front LEFT fork, 4 fingers below the top of spokes
    Pull cable ties TIGHT. Ensure Holder remains flush to fork
  • Step 2 – Trim the cable ties with some snips
  • Step 3 – Slide Transponder into holder until it clicks
    Give transponder a gentle tug to ensure it is secure
    To remove transponder press release button and slide it out
  • Checklist
    Black Holder secure
    Transponder secure
    On front left fork
  • Transponder photo.
  • 4 fingers below top of spokes
  • Please make sure your transponder is handed back at the completion of your ride.


  • We ask spectators/supporters to complete a  voluntary contract tracing form to help with tracing during Level 1. If you have not completed this online, please complete the paper copy at registration. This form also helps our race organisers with volunteers etc It can be completed on line here


  • Start & Meet at Horizons Yard - 1117 Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road
  • Sign on Kairanga School - please see specific instructions  – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van Horizons Yard carpark)
  • Race briefing as attached to the most recent document listed above
  • First rider off at (starting) 9.00am – we are riding with MS
  • Riders off in 30 second intervals
  • The course is 6km out and back
  • The turn will be marked by a cone in the road.
  • The finish line is approx 100m before the start line
  • This is an individual time trial. Please do not draft. Overtaking riders please ensure slower rider know you are coming. Please give each other plenty of room while staying left at all times
  • Please remember to respect the locals living these roads.
  • Please be considerate.  No spitting or “snot rockets” in the bunch please
  • Please do not attend our event if you are unwell
    • All riders must pre-register
    • A start draw will be posted on Saturday
    • Riders will be starting 30 seconds apart
    • No more than 10 riders in the line ready to go at any one time
    • It is the rider’s responsibility to get to the start line on time
    • It will NOT be a held start
    • We will start Seniors first finishing with year 7/8 riders
    • After the race the riders are to return to their areas and not “hang around”.


  • Roads are open and all normal road rules apply
  • Marshals are provided for direction only
  • Riders must give way at all junctions as required.

Course Specific Notes:

  • Obey the priority on the 1 way bridge and be prepared to give way to oncoming traffic
  • Do not cross the centre line unless safe to do so.
  • We are on narrow quite roads when often there is no white line. Stay left
  • Riders should not exceed 2 abreast
  • Beware of tankers and agricultural machinery
  • Be courteous to other road users
  • The days are shortening so we RECOMMEND the use of a rear light.

Please click here to view the start list online

Course Notes
0.00km Starting outside the Kairanga Horizons Depot / Yard - 1117 Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road
3.52km Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road turns into Lockwood Road – Beware One Lane Bridge
6.00km Lockwood Turn turn around cone to head back
8.48km Lockwood Road turns into Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road  – Beware One Lane Bridge
12.00km Finish at Timing Van back near start area


Start Area – Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road


2020 Sponsors V.2


Up & Coming Events for week ending 7th August 2020

Sunday 9th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Points Race Valor Rd
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 12th August
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 16th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Kairanga ITT
Bike Manawatu - Kairanga ITT Pre register Here before 9.30am Friday
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 19th August
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 23rd August
Manawatu Schools Cycling - Road Race Colyton Nationals course
Bike Manawatu Colyton Road Race after schools TBC 
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 26th August
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 30th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – TTT Rongotea
Bike Manawatu - TTT Rongotea (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team)
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Other Important Dates
Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More