Bike Manawatu Hill Climb Champs 2020-2021 – Forest Hill Road

The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. We are able to run this event on the basis that social distancing is achievable if the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.

9am Start Time
All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 9am  Saturday 17/10/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here

When: Sunday 18th October 2020
Course: Forest Hill Road, Aokautere

Start & Meet – Bike Manawatu Timing Van -
The event starts just before the bridge and ends at the top of the hill. The riders will ride back at a safe speed in SINGLE file. (Near 12 Forest Hill Road)
All parking is to be well off the road – weather dependent parking may be available in a paddock at the bottom of the road  (Owners known to race organisers)
Registration 8.15am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van – Forest Hill Road)
Race briefing 8:45am - all riders must attend
First rider off at 9.00am

$5 members / $10 non-members – All Welcome, only Bike Manawatu members eligible for trophies

Due to Covid-19 please help us with contactless payment by making your payment online $5 members / $10 non-members – Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name (e.g.Hill Climb 18/10/20 as reference)

Bring your climbing legs and we'll see you out there clip_image001

Please do not attend our event if you are unwell

Kairanga ITT – October 2020

The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. We are able to run this event on the basis that social distancing is achievable if the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.

First Rider off at 6.15 pm (Start)

All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 9.30 am the day of the race - no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & specators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers.

Click Here to pre register for Wednesday 7th October 2020 Volunteers please Click Here
Click Here to pre register for Wednesday 14th October 2020Volunteers please Click Here
Click Here to pre register for Wednesday 21st October 2020Volunteers please Click Here
Click Here to pre register for Wednesday 28th October 2020Volunteers please Click Here

Note: we have added a date of birth question to our registrations which will be helpful calculating any ITT records
We aim to have a start list by 3pm the day of the event. 

Please meet at the Horizons Yard -  1117 Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road
Registration 5.30pm – 5.50pm at HQ – (within the Horizons Yard)
Race briefing 6.00 pm - all riders must attend
First Rider off at 6.15pm (slowest to fastest)

2019–2020 Season Road Prize Giving –Trophies Awarded

The Bike Manawatu board would like to thank all of our riders, volunteers, sponsors and supporters over our 2019-2020 season.
Unfortunately due to Covid-19 and the lockdown earlier in the year we missed holding our Annual Prizegiving to celebrate our riders success.
*Please note, Track are still looking to hold their 2019-2020 prizegiving, therefore winners names are not currently listed below

We wish to offer a big round of applause & congratulations to the following riders / members.

Club Road Races

Trophy Name of Event Date of Event Winners Name Time
image Woolworths Cup 2019 Saturday 14th September 2019 Joshua Mulcahy Adjusted Time 1:31:32.9
image Sutton Cup Sunday 27th October 2019 Ethan Craine 1:46:05.0
image Essex Cup Saturday 7th December 2019 Jackson Fellowes
image Cheltenham Classic - Arthur Jennings Cup - 1st Male Across the Line Sunday 9th February 2020 Nigel Doyle Adjusted Time 1:06:15.1
image Cheltenham Classic - Arthur Jennings Cup - 1st Female Across the Line Sunday 9th February 2020 Vicky Whiteman Adjusted Time 1:06:44.9
image Cheltenham Classic - Donaldson Cup - Fastest Time Sunday 9th February 2020 Kyle Hoskin Actual Time 52:09.9

Bike Manawatu Road Race Champs - Sunday 23rd February 2020

Up & Coming Events for week ending 18th September 2020

Please click here to view Cycling New Zealand’s information on COVID-19
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and events registrations for updates on postponements and cancellations

Sunday 20th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton Nationals Course
Bike Manawatu - Colyton RR - Pre Register Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride 
Dynamo Race 1 – Cambridge

Wednesday 23rd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 26th September
National School Road Championships

Sunday 27th September
National School Road Championships
Trust House 1
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Track - Have a Go Day 2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Monday 28th September
National School Road Championships

Tuesday 29th September 2020
Track - Bike Hire & Fit Day 2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Wednesday 30th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Thursday 1st October 2020
Track - Bike Hire & Fit Day 2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Friday 2nd October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020

Saturday 3rd October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020
Track - Bike Hire & Fit Day 2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Sunday 4th October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020
Trust House 2
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Track - Have a Go Day 2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Tuesday 6th October
Schools National Track Championships, Invercargill

Wednesday 7th October 
Schools National Track Championships, Invercargill
Kairanga ITT 
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Thursday 8th October 2020
Track - Bike Hire & Fit Day   2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Saturday 10th October 2020
Wonder Women on Wheels 10am - 12pm Feilding Velodrome

Sunday 11th October
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Track Orientation Day 1   2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Wednesday 14th October
Kairanga ITT
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 17th October 2020
Masters Track Workshop 1 11am - 2pm Feilding Velodrome
Track Orientation Day 2   2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Sunday 18th October
Dynamo Race 2 - Tokoroa
Bike Manawatu Hill Climb Champs – Click Here to Register
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Track Orientation Day 3   2-4pm Feilding Velodrome

Wednesday 21st October 2020

Kairanga ITT 
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 24th October 2020
Masters Track Workshop 2   11am - 2pm Feilding Velodrome

Sunday 25th October 2020
CNP Round the Mountain
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride
Opening Day Track Meet & 2019/2020 Season Prize Giving  12pm - 6pm Feilding Velodrome

Wednesday 28th October
Kairanga ITT
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Thursday 29th October
Track Meeting  6-8pm Feilding Velodrome

Friday 30th October
Novice Tour Registrations

Other Important Dates

Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020 If you are available to help volunteer at Novice Tour, we’d love to hear from you (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Click Here to register

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020 - Click Here to register

31 Oct 1 Nov - Novice Tour 2020 (1)

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More

Up & Coming Events for week ending 11th September 2020

Please click here to view Cycling New Zealand’s information on COVID-19
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and events registrations for updates on postponements and cancellations

Sunday 13th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton TTT
Bike Manawatu Colyton TTT (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team)- Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 20th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton Nationals Course
Bike Manawatu - Colyton RR - Pre Register Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride 
Dynamo Race 1 – Cambridge

Wednesday 23rd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 26th September
National School Road Championships

Sunday 27th September
National School Road Championships
Trust House 1
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Monday 28th September
National School Road Championships

Wednesday 30th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Friday 2nd October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020

Saturday 3rd October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020

Sunday 4th October
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland 2020
Trust House 2
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Tuesday 6th October
Schools National Track Championships, Invercargill

Wednesday 7th October 
Schools National Track Championships, Invercargill
Kairanga ITT 
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 11th October
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 14th October
Kairanga ITT
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 18th October
Dynamo Race 2 - Tokoroa
Bike Manawatu Hill Climb Champs – Click Here to Register
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Other Important Dates

Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020 If you are available to help volunteer at Novice Tour, we’d love to hear from you (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Click Here to register

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020 - Click Here to register

31 Oct 1 Nov - Novice Tour 2020 (1)

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More