Up & Coming Events for week ending 2st August 2020

Please click here to view Cycling New Zealand’s information on COVID-19
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and events registrations for updates on postponements and cancellations

Sunday 30th August
Manawatu Schools Cycling – TTT Rongotea
Bike Manawatu - TTT Rongotea (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team) Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 2nd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 5th September
North Island Schools Road Championships

Sunday 6th September
North Island Schools Road Championships
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 9th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 13th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton TTT
Bike Manawatu Colyton TTT (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team)- Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 20th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton Nationals Course
Bike Manawatu - Colyton RR - Pre Register Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride 
Dynamo Race 1 – Cambridge

Wednesday 23rd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 26th September
National School Road Championships

Sunday 27th September
National School Road Championships
Trust House 1
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Monday 28th September
National School Road Championships

Wednesday 30th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Other Important Dates
Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020 If you are available to help volunteer at Novice Tour, we’d love to hear from you (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Click Here to register

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020 - Click Here to register

31 Oct 1 Nov - Novice Tour 2020

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More

Novice Tour 2020 Registrations are now open

31 Oct - 1 Nov 2020 - Novice Tour 2020
Please click here to enter today
All information can be found on our website HERE

Rongotea Team Time Trial – Sunday 30th August 2020

The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. We are able to run this event on the basis that social distancing is achievable if the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.

9.00 am Start

All riders MUST Pre Register Here before EOP Friday 28/08/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here
Please Pre Register HERE

Please meet at the Rongotea Square
Starting on corner of Severn & Mercey Streets

Registration 8.00am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van near the Rongotea Garage Carpark)
Race briefing 8.45am - all riders must attend
First Team off at 9.00am 

Teams = Minimum of 4 riders, Max of 6 riders p/team

Riders will assemble at the Rongotea Garage Carpark and will start on the corner of Severn & Mercey Streets
$5 members / $10 non-members (entry is per rider in the team – (e.g. 4 riders in a team – all Bike Manawatu members = $20) – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference

This will be a TTT event with Manawatu School Cycling (MSC) and Bike Manawatu (BM). MSC will kindly host our BM riders as part of their event
We will put more information about start times in due course - please note this event will be manual timed by MSC
Bike Manawatu sincerely thanks MSC for hosting our riders 


  • All parking is to be well off the road – please respect the Rongotea residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge


  • If you are reading this, you will have seen the start list which provides your start time and your rider number. As we have been trailing for some time the number allocated for this event will be your permanent number for all future BM events. We are redistributing new fabric numbers to all members.
  • Non members will be allocated a reinforced paper number. Again please keep this and bring it along to other BM events that you attend
  • Please look after your race numbers and bring it to ALL club events.


  • Registration will be just before the start line at a table. There will be a marshal / volunteer to assist and direct standing within the 2-meter rule
  • Please use the hand sanitiser provided before registering
  • There is no entry fee for junior/schools riders.
  • If you have not paid online, please deposit your entry fee into the honesty box - correct change only and note the amount paid on the start sheet. $5 members, $10 non members.
  • If you have a loyalty card these will be at registration for you to click. Likewise, please note that you have used your loyalty card on the start sheet
  • Please avoid ques at the registration desk.
  • Let early riders register ahead of later starters while practising social distancing.
  • Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number and either go straight to the start area.
  • Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
  • Please read all notices at the registration desk, a repeat of the rider briefing and safety notes set out below

Kairanga ITT Info – Sunday 16th August 2020

Please find below:

Kairanga ITT - Race Briefing

16 August 2020

Todays race is an ITT of approx. 12 km.

You will be riding on Open Roads at all times and must comply with NZ Traffic Regulations, as well as UCI and Cycling New Zealand Schools Racing Rules

The course will be marshalled, but the ultimate responsibility is with you to ride safely and be aware of other traffic.

If a marshal instructs you to stop you must do so – importantly at the one lane bridge and turn around.

You must keep to the left half of the road at all times.

Do not drop any litter on the circuit, including gels or bottles.

This is an Individual Time Trial. If you are passed by another rider you must not draft that rider. It is the rider that has been passed to drop back from the other rider.

It is your responsibility to be at the start line on time.

Please adhere to all COVID 19 – LEVEL 2 protocols.

Colyton Team Time Trial (Taonui) – Sunday 13th  September 2020 –  TBC Start

The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. We are able to run this event on the basis that social distancing is achievable if the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.

All riders MUST Pre Register Here before EOP Friday 11/09/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here
Please Pre Register HERE

Start & Meet outside Colyton Hall – 548 Taonui Road, Colyton
Registration 8.15am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van outside Colyton Hall)
Race briefing 9:45am - all riders must attend
First Team off at 9.00am

16km Out and Back Team Time Trial
(Course notes are below)

Riders will assemble at the Colyton Hall, and then race out and back along Taonui
$5 members / $10 non-members  (entry is per rider in the team – (e.g. 4 riders in a team – all Bike Manawatu members = $20)  – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference

Teams = Minimum of 4 riders, Max of 6 riders p/team

Please do not attend our event if you are unwell

This will be a TTT event with Manawatu School Cycling (MSC) and Bike Manawatu (BM). MSC will kindly host our BM riders as part of their event
We will put more information about start times in due course - please note this event will be manual timed by MSC
Bike Manawatu sincerely thanks MSC for hosting our riders 
Manawatu Schools Cycling will kindly manual time this event for us - We will also have our Bike Manawatu QR code available to scan in