Up & Coming Events for week ending 4th September 2020

Please click here to view Cycling New Zealand’s information on COVID-19
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and events registrations for updates on postponements and cancellations

Saturday 5th September
North Island Schools Road Championships – Cancelled

Sunday 6th September
North Island Schools Road Championships – Cancelled
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 9th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 13th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton TTT
Bike Manawatu Colyton TTT (minimum of 4 max of 6 per team)- Pre Register Teams Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sunday 20th September
Manawatu Schools Cycling – Colyton Nationals Course
Bike Manawatu - Colyton RR - Pre Register Here
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride 
Dynamo Race 1 – Cambridge

Wednesday 23rd September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Saturday 26th September
National School Road Championships

Sunday 27th September
National School Road Championships
Trust House 1
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Monday 28th September
National School Road Championships

Wednesday 30th September
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Other Important Dates
Saturday 31st October
Novice Tour 2020 If you are available to help volunteer at Novice Tour, we’d love to hear from you (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Click Here to register

Sunday 1st November
Novice Tour 2020 - Click Here to register

31 Oct 1 Nov - Novice Tour 2020

2020 Sponsors V.2

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More