The strong westerly wind was probably responsible for a field of 33 riders, down from the record 50 of last week. As the night went on the wind eased and the meeting was held in reasonable conditions. We were treated to tight competitive racing, tighter photo finishes and to top it off we had the finesse and flow of team pursuits. One spectator noted that we are privileged to be entertained by such quality sporting theatre and entry is free.

Results from the Feilding track - 14th Nov 2011

Click here for results

Trophee de Grimpeur Results

Whilst there wasn’t much wind there was a few light scattered showers that passed over during the running of the event. The course started at Hiwinui School and headed north along Watershed Rd, turning left on to the Colyton Rd. Once the riders were at Colyton they turned left again and made their way back to Hiwinui along Reids Line. First to leave the start was the under 19, under 23, senior, master 1 and 2 men. They were to complete 4 laps. Five minutes after them the under 17 men who were to complete 3 laps headed away along with the under 15 boys who were completing 2 laps. They were followed a further 5 minutes back by the rest of the masters men who had 3 laps to complete.