- Details
- Written by Kate Stewart
Most improved rider (shield)
Awarded to the rider who has improved the most over the track season in the opinion of a small group that select this award.
Track season points trophies and cups
Points are accumulated during each track race throughout the season. The person with the most points in each category receives the award for their individual category.
U15 Girls (Ian Gray Trophy)
U15 Boys (Ian Gray Trophy)
U17 Girls (Dean O’Keefe Trophy)
U17 Boys (Dean O’Keefe Cup)
U19 Women/Open Women (Alex Gracie Points Cup)
U19 Men/Men (Joe Allen Trophy)
Masters Men (BikeManawatu Trophy – new trophy)
Where stored – These trophies and cups are awarded at the annual track prizegiving at the conclusion of the track season, and are kept by the recipient for one year.
Club Championship Awards
Medals awarded to the top three in each of the following categories (subject to participants in each grade). The points are awarded for participating and getting top three places in club championship events (500mTT, Individual Pursuit, Scratch and Points race).
- U15 Boys
- U15 Girls
- U17 Boys
- U17 Girls
- U19 Boys
- U19 Girls
- Masters Women
- Masters Men
- Elite Men
- Elite Women
- Details
- Written by KateS
Important Info for the track season
- Cancellations of meeting due to bad weather will be posted on the BikeManawatu Track Cycling Facebook group at least 45 minutes before track start time. We will also endeavor to get this posted on the BikeManawatu website and Facebook page
- Racing grades: You will start at the beginning of the season in the grade according to your 2021 CyclingNZ license category (this is dependent on your age at the 31st December)
- Cost: $30.00 for the whole season (racing before and after Christmas), this is to be paid in cash when you register at your 1st meeting of the season. A nominated person will be at the first two meetings running registration, so you may need to arrive slightly earlier to register. Registration involves payment, signing the waver, filling out your contact details and receiving your number for the season
- Numbers: Again this year you will be responsible for your own number. This involves bringing it to each race meet (NO NUMBER = NO RESULT) and returning it at the end of the season. If your number is not returned to Ian Gray within a month of the last track meet you will be charged $20.00
- Warm-up starts 30mins before the start of racing
- Licensing: Track riders need to be at least a member of BikeManawatu club. To race at WCNI events a centre license is required. National events require a CyclingNZ race license
- We are always after volunteers, please click here to read more. We especially would like to know who has their 1st aid certificate.
- If we have enough masters riders we will run a masters grade
- Results: Will be posted on the BikeManawatu website each week under 'Event Results & Records'
- Records: The updated list of records is kept on the BikeManawatu website under 'Event Results & Records', if you would like to break a record please request it with the race organiser
- Track cycling awards: We celebrate many successes at the track prizegiving, which is held at the end of the season. There is the overall points awards and the club championship awards. For a full list of the awards click here to check them out, so that you can strive towards them
- Club championship points system is outlined here
- Grades: If there is to be any chnages to the grades it must be approved by the race organiser
- WCNI events: If you are planning on representing our club at WCNI events please read this protocol here
- Track location: Johnston Park Feilding Velodrome, click here for a map.
Rookie Rider Information
A 'Rookie Track Rider', is a track cyclist who is racing on the track for their first season. Follow the below tips to come across as less of a 'Rookie'.
- Get your position on your track bike checked out on the track. A track position is different to your road bike. We have good coaches with lots of experience to help you set your bike up
- Most track cycling is explosive short distance and you need ti be well warmed up. Get there early to meetings to get well warmed up. If cold, bring plenty of warm clothes to keep warm
- Wear gloves and a singlet under your racing top
- For bike fittings bring your cycling shoes and pedals; and measure your seat height and know your crank length on your road bike
- Pulling your feet out if your clip less pedals is extremely dangerous on the track as in track racing you are often putting optimum pressure on the pedals. It is very strongly recommended that you get Velcro straps fitted. We will do this for you at minimal cost
- Make sure your tyres are pumped up near to the maximum recommended pressure for the tyres specification. Don’t role soft tyres; your bike rolls much easier at correct pressure. Check this before each meeting or training session
- For rookie riders (new to track) it is compulsory to attend one of the orientation sessions organised
- It is recommended you purchase a book “Beginners Guide to Road and Track Cycling” Authors Ian Gray and Jonathan Kennett. It has a lot of essential information for ‘rookie’ track riders. These will be available at half price for new track riders (normal price $20).
- Click here for more safety information.
We will have some exciting competitions coming up so for information keep watching the ‘Track Cycling’ section of the BikeManawatu website and the BikeManawatu track Cycling Facebook group.
Track Cycling contacts
Track Co-ordinator: Ian Gray, 0211205751
Track administration: TBA, email TBA
Road bikes on track: TBA, email TBA
- Details
- Written by Kate Stewart
BIKE MANAWATU Track meeting
Venue: Johnston Park Feilding
ROAD BIKES: Registration & warm-up from 1:15pm, racing 1:30pm – 2:30pm
TRACK BIKES: Registration from 2pm, Warm up 2:30pm, first Race 3:00pm Sharp
Registration: Please register online at www.bikemanawatu.co.nz or by clicking here and on the day you are just required to sign the wavier (everyone) and track riders are required to pay $20 (eftpos preferred) and receive their number.
Please note this is a provisional programme as grades need to be sorted out on the day, depending on numbers. Riders to ride according to 2018 Cycling NZ Licence categories.
- A Grade – 5 lap Scratch Race
- B Grade – 4 lap Scratch Race
- Masters Grade – 4 Lap Scratch Race
- U15 Grade – Scratch races (2 events may be run at same time)
- U15 A grade
- U15 B grade
- U17 Grade – 4 lap scratch (2 bunches)
- All Grades - 1 lap time trial (4 riders will run at same time).Finish straight: rider will start at finish line and half way line. Back straight: Rider will start at 200m line and half way line.
- A Grade – 7 Lap points race ( 3 sprints)
- B Grade – 6 lap points race (2 sprints)
- Masters Grade – 6 lap handicap race
- U15 A Grade – 6 Lap handicap race
- U15 B Grade – 3 lap handicap race
- U17 Grade - 6 lap handicap race
- Masters and B Grade – 10 lap handicap race
- U15 A Grade – 8 lap handicap race
- U15 B Grade – 5 lap handicap race
- U17 Grade – 10 lap handicap race
- A Grade – 14 lap handicap race
Race Manager: Ian Gray
Commissaire/s: Mike Simpson
Finish line duties: Kate Stewart, Jamie Falkner, Bernie Richmond, Dave Hoskin
Starter: Simon Irvine
Handicapper: Ian Gray
First Aid: Stephanie Harris
Whip (calling next race and gate control): Mark Tuck
Bike checks: Brent Zimmerman and John Stewart
Registration: Kate Stewart, Kylie Mulcahy and Stephanie Harris
Race Manager for Road bikes: Joe Caldwell and Mulcahy Family
Publish results: Grant Haggett
NOTE: Extra Judges, Timekeepers and holders to be appointed on night by Race Manager, as required.
Let Kate Stewart know if you are willing to help out at meets throughout the season or if your name is down to help on Sunday and you are unavailable.
- Details
- Written by Kate Stewart
Register online for track HERE.
BikeManawatu track and road bikes on track racing starts on Monday October 23rd (Labour day). This year you can register online for the season, so that at your first track meet all that is required is for you to sign the wavier form, pay ($20 eftpos for the whole season) and in return you will receive your season number, which will hopefully speed up the registration process.
PRE-REGISTRATIONS CLOSE AT 10AM ON MONDAY 23 OCTOBER 2017. If you miss this deadline you can register before racing at the track. If you are planning on racing with us this season but do not plan to be at the first track meet please still register online (takes less than 5 minutes, just make sure you have your CyclingNZ licence number handy if you have one).
All information is considered confidential, but in registering you agree that your contact information may be shared between organisers if required.
If you have any track administration issues please contact Kate Stewart (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- Details
- Written by Kate Stewart
Programme until Christmas 2017
Click here to view and download the programme for the BikeManawatu track and road bikes on track season leading up until Christmas.
Bike Manawatu Track cycling Volunteers
Track Racing doesn’t happen without the hard work of many. We currently have a very passionate group of volunteers, lead by Ian Gray that make track racing possible.
For the 2017/18 track season we want to recruit and train up more volunteers, so that we can roster the roles around each week so that not the same people are running track each week. If you are new to a role, as you learn we will have you working with an experienced person, until you are familiar with the task.
There are many roles that need to be filled including:
- Judges
- Time keepers
- Starter
- Result recorders
- Handicapping
- 1st Aid
- Gate control/ calling the next race up
- Report writing- please let us know if you are interested in writing a report about the racing to be posted on the BM web site after each meet. A roster will be made so that the task is shared around
If you are willing to help out this season, please let Kate Stewart know This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After we have a list of volunteers we can share the jobs around and post on the website each week with who is helping out.
The more volunteers we have, the easier and safer it is for everyone!