
My interest in cycling has been ongoing since I was in my mid twenties.  It gathered more momentum when my oldest son wanted to cycle competitively while at PNBHS on the road and track in 2005. Closely following behind him was my youngest son. Cycling has become a family passion for my entire family for the last six years and it continues to dominate a number of our weekends as we bounce between road and track events over the country in support of our children. My wife Kirsty can often be seen taking photos, standing on a corner in a fluro top or recordings results.
For me cycling is a means to an end to keep my weight down and to stay relatively healthy. I do enjoy the competitive nature of graded racing but I'm just as comfortable to ride recreationally when my fitness isn’t up to racing.  I hope to be involved more as a coach in years to come but I am happy to help out as an administrator or manager.
I'm at Massey University these days after a 25 year career in the NZ Army but I bring to table some strategic planning experience and lots of enthusiasm to see cycling grow in the region.  Having been to Invercargill a number of times for NZ track nationals with my children, I am a strong advocate for a velodrome in Palmerston North.


clip_image002How long have you been cycling?

Been trying to cycle for four years. But now with Bean Cycling there is always someone offering advice .

What drew you to the sport?

Always enjoyed watching it on T.V. A good way to lose weight after rugby, not a lot of stress on old injuries. It’s a good excuse to go for coffee.

What do you enjoy about cycling? Riding with groups of like minded people and the guys from Bean Cycling.

What do you hate about cycling?

Cars with idiots behind the wheel who feel the need to see how close they can get to cyclists.

What bike do you ride?

A Specialised Roubaix S-Works

Do you have a favourite brand of clothing?

Descent and Castelli but that’s a bit on the expensive side. Also Bean Cycling clothing.

What aspect of cycling do you like the best e.g. hill climbing, time trialling touring?

Any ride where you have had to do a bit of hard work but also had some fun with sprints e.t.c. Hill climbing it hurts and I am slow at it but there is a sense of achievement every time you roll over the top. Sneak attacks to try and beat G. Davies in a sprint, a hard man to get off the lead wheel.

What are you personal riding achievements?

Being a founding member of Bean Cycling. On one ride, winning three red letter box sprints and a 50k sign. Beat Greg Chubb up a hill once.

Do you ride throughout the year.

Yes mostly on the weekends, the cafes are open most days.

Favourite rides?

The ones that end with a good coffee and conversation, any Bean Cycling ride and The Grape Ride in Blenheim.

Worst crash?

Jens Voigt face plant in the TDF. One small one on the Martinborough fun ride when a person went over in front of us and I had nowhere to go but over the top. Injured my shorts had to get a new pair.

What is your day job?

Manager of the Harvey Norman warehouse.


None .Happily married and we have a cat though. Ride with some big ones and a giant one he knows who he is I wont mention his name so everyone wont know its you Mark Wright.

Favourite Music?

The Clash ,The Cure, The Killers and a lot of 80s stuff.

Other sports and interests?

Follow a bit of Rugby not as much since giving up playing and coaching. Any sports really. Cafes are interesting.

Whats on your to do list?

Kate Beckinsale oops sorry wrong list. Some of the TDF climbs ( doing that in July 2010 ). Taking Bean Cycling global, we have bean seen in Oz and South Africa already.

Finish this sentence. What the MMCC needs….. is to keep doing what its doing, getting people out there and on their bikes and promoting the fun side of it. (SPONSOR BEAN CYCLING, lots of promising up and coming young cyclists involved there e.g. Greg Chubb and Chris James)

How long have you been cycling?MikeK

Started August 1995, 14 years.

What drew you to the sport?

A neighbour had been cycling for years, his accounts of early Taupo rides with a few hundred entrants sounded heroic.

Megan Blatchford-Peck is a world masters medal winner, champion and mentor to many cyclists in the Manawatu area. She is an extremely talented and balanced woman who always has a smile on her face and is willing to help out others.

Here are a few things about Megan you might like to know and some advice to hopefully get you on the right track.Megan

10 Fast Faves...

Fave Colour? I have 3: black, white, & red

Fave Food? Bagels from Wholly Bagels

Fave Place to ride? Main Drain Road– no hills, nearly always a tailwind home

Fave Bike brand? BT (my track bike)

Fave thing about Palmy? So easy to get anywhere

Fave movie? Don’t really do movies

Fave Type of music? Metal & electronic

Fave Holiday spot? Napier

Fave drink? Lindauer Fraise, it makes me so happy!

Fave car? Audi TT coupe

1. You Must be really busy with riding, life in general and mentoring... How do you find time to fit it all in?

My family is extremely supportive. But at different times of the year, different things take a priority and I’ve get very focused.

2. I know your really goal oriented and you talk a lot about this in your mentoring, How exactly should we set goals?

1. Set goals you are passionate about. 2. Think creatively when you set them 3. Less is more.

3. If money was no object what would you buy?

The only are only two things currently on “Wants Lists”: laser eye surgery so I can ditch the contacts, and go to Portugal to compete in the 2010 World Masters Track cycling champs!

4. Are you a shop-o-holic?

I was, but I now feel so guilty because we have spent a huge amount of our household income on my cycling and travel! However, I am currently addicted to buying albums on iTunes.

5. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment personally?

Winning my first World Masters Title in 2007, beating former Olympic Medallist Michelle Ferris, who was 12 years younger than me.

6. How long have you been riding and what made you start?

Rode when I was 14-15years.  Took it up again at 19-22years, then gave it up as there was no sprint events for women then at the Commonwealth Games. Took it up again at 40 years.

7. We all know that feeling of getting up on a freezing cold morning when its raining and the wind is blowing but we HAVE to get out in it, How do you break down that barrier?

I don’t train in bad weather.  I believe that being a perfectionist when it comes to training will undermine your success.  If the weather is bad, it’s Plan B, such as 60minutes interval session on the trainer, a visit to the gym or the day off.

8. Have you got an idol/mentor?

My husband Rory plays a huge role in my success and I wouldn’t have achieved what I have today without him. I do draw on ideas and inspiration from people from all walks of life that inspire me.

9. What kind of pre-race tips can you offer any of our club members?

1. Build belief in yourself.  You need to believe in yourself when you line up for an important event, otherwise what was the point of doing all the physical training?

2. Design a pre-race routine and practice it many times before your event.

10. What do you do for motivation, i know i sometimes find it hard to get up and going?

I thoroughly enjoy racing and being competitive.  I love the feeling of putting myself under pressure and there is nothing quite as exciting as that feeling of winning. I never use to feel like this when I was younger, I enjoyed training and hated racing.  In recent years I put some focus into changing my beliefs in this area.

11. Do you have a really strict diet?

No, I believe if I eat a balanced, healthy, diet 80% of the time that’s more than good enough. However, I do being a speed track cyclist, and spending time in the gym lifting weights, I do have protein shakes daily.

12. What does the future hold?

1. My current goal is to break the world age group record for the flying 200mTT when I compete at the Elite Track Nationals at Invercargill next February.  This would make me the fastest women in the world over 45 years on a bike!

2. I’ve been asked to help with the PN Girls High School cycling team, which I’m really looking forward to.

Thanks heaps to Megan for the awesome advice in this article and the fantastic smile she always brings to events. Best of luck for achieving your goals Megan.

By Kate Ellery

MalcolmR How long have you been cycling?

15 yrs

What drew you to the sport?

I was a failed runner with crook knees, hips, ankles etc etc I thought I had better try something else before I fell to bits and required bionic limbs

What do you enjoy about cycling?

Short sharp fast flat sprints. Climbing mountains, big ones. Riding for so long on the weekends that I couldn’t possibly fit in any of those “domestic chores”. Assisting others to get involved in the sport.

What do you hate about cycling?.

Riding in the rain. Its not for me. The seriously bad skills I have seen in fun rides recently – its getting worse.

What bike do you ride?

Cannondale CAAD 8 at present. Might need a new one soon.

Do you have a favourite brand of clothing?.

ASSOS. Swiss stuff. Really expensive but really comfortable. Santini is not bad either.

What aspect of cycling do you like the best e.g. hill climbing, time trialling touring?

Sprinting. We don’t do enough of it.

What are you personal riding achievements?

Riding the mountains in France. I didn’t ever imagine as I was literally pushed around my first 100 km ride by a few of you that I would be riding up the biggest mountain roads on the planet.

Alpe d’ Huez in under 1 hr is a goal worth keeping an eye on. I haven’t quite done it yet but one more crack at it is on the programme.

Do you ride throughout the year

Yes I try to but winter riding is weather dependent

Favourite rides?

Totara Reserve, Track/saddle

Worst crash?

Never had one but I’ve seen a few.

What is your day job?

Quality Manager Massey University


Yep 2. Both overseas

Favourite Music?

Tommy Emmanual at the moment but I listen to all sorts

Other sports and interests?

Rugby League. The Warriors - what a team. Cricket

Whats on your to do list?

Alpe d’Huez under 1 hour

La Marmotte in 2010

Finish this sentence. What the MMCC needs is

A comprehensive program for all interests not just social Sunday riding. Amalgamating with Marist will provide some of it but here are plenty of other things we could be doing that involves cycling. It’s a great club in a very popular sport at the moment. We should make the most of it. Cycling is on a roll!