
My interest in cycling has been ongoing since I was in my mid twenties.  It gathered more momentum when my oldest son wanted to cycle competitively while at PNBHS on the road and track in 2005. Closely following behind him was my youngest son. Cycling has become a family passion for my entire family for the last six years and it continues to dominate a number of our weekends as we bounce between road and track events over the country in support of our children. My wife Kirsty can often be seen taking photos, standing on a corner in a fluro top or recordings results.
For me cycling is a means to an end to keep my weight down and to stay relatively healthy. I do enjoy the competitive nature of graded racing but I'm just as comfortable to ride recreationally when my fitness isn’t up to racing.  I hope to be involved more as a coach in years to come but I am happy to help out as an administrator or manager.
I'm at Massey University these days after a 25 year career in the NZ Army but I bring to table some strategic planning experience and lots of enthusiasm to see cycling grow in the region.  Having been to Invercargill a number of times for NZ track nationals with my children, I am a strong advocate for a velodrome in Palmerston North.