Karen is a previous national masters Individual Time Trial champion

IMGP3292 How long have you been cycling? 55 years. (MMCC since about 2001)

What drew you to the sport? Cycle touring originally. The social aspect of riding. I got a little more competitive with the purchase of a road bike

What do you enjoy about cycling? The social aspect. The open spaces. Riding in the country side.

What do you hate about cycling? Crashes. Traffic.

What bike do you ride? Trek 2200

Do you have a favourite brand of clothing? Not really but I would like to try the SUB gear.

What aspect of cycling do you like the best e.g. hill climbing, time trialling touring? Sunday rides

What are you personal riding achievements? Winning the age group Masters Individual Time Trial.

Do you ride throughout the year? Yes.

Favourite rides? Dixon’s line, Reads Line, Watershed Rd.

Worst crash? Caught the side of the road seal and did a face plant a few years back.

What is your day job? Lecturer IPC

Kids? 4 children. 6 grandchildren and another due

Favourite Music? Bik Runga

Other sports and interests? Swimming.

Whats on your to do list? I really want to cycle in France. Watch the tour, ride the hills and enjoy the moments.

Finish this sentence. What the MMCC needs is …. More women cycling. MMCC keep the good work going