Bike Manawatu Member Profile


Name;Colin Anderson.

Nickname; Wal.

Relationship status; Married to Christine.

Favourite food;T Bone steak with all the trimmings.

Favourite Movies:Dramas.Green Mile,Dr Zhivago.

Favourite Cyclist:Nathan Dalhberg who urged me home in my first 275km cycle.

Favourite sports person:Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali).

Favourite place to Holiday;Anywhere warm.

Most influential people in your life;Parents and siblings.

What famous 5 people would you invite to your place for dinner:Executives of

Starship,Canteen,Heart Children,Ronald McDonald House, Cat Walk Trust.

What is your greatest fear;Getting tipped off cycling by a motorist or truckie.

If you were a super hero what would your super power be;Big strong legs to climb hills better.

What did you want to be when you were little;A Chicken or Chook farmer.

What three words would your best friends use to describe you:Attacker,Girly blouse( if wet),hopeful


Where do you see yourself in cycling terms in 5 years time; Still being able to enjoy the fun,banter

and coffee of recreational cycling.

I asked Colin what have been most two challenging events of his long and successful career.His

answer;My first 1200km ride,Boston-Montreal- Boston.Full of trepidation,can I do it, will I get lost,

where will I kip( Taupo has big mail boxes), and what will I eat! A close second the Cape Reinga-

Bluff solo 2158km ride with the support of awesome Manawatu Masters members and family.

Thank you Colin you are a club legend.