Many Hands Make Light WorkRoad Racing doesn’t happen without the hard work of many.

We are always seeking new Volunteer Superstars for our club events to continue

Each season we want to recruit and train up more volunteers, so that we can roster the roles around each week so that not the same people are each week. If you are new to a role, we will aim to offer advice and training where possible / as you learn we will have you working with an experienced person, until you are familiar with the task.

There are many roles that need to be filled including:

  • Marshalls
  • Lead / Sag Vehicles
  • Holders
  • Judges
  • Time keepers
  • Registrations
  • First Aid
  • Traffic Management – STMS
  • Result recorders
  • Handicapping
  • Report writing- please let us know if you are interested in writing a report about the racing to be posted on the BM web site after each meet

We are always looking for people wanting to be involved as

  • Race Directors / Organizers
  • Sub Committee Members for events
  • Timing

If you are willing to help out this season, please let the club secretary know  ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) .

After we have a list of volunteers we can share the jobs around and post on the website each week with who is helping out.

The more volunteers we have, the easier and safer it is for everyone!



Please click here to find out more and to see what positions are required for this seasons road races and events 

Bike Manawatu Members

Click below for our 2019 Members offers – Present your Bike Manawatu Membership Card and receive these great offers below:

If you are a business and would like to donate back to our club with a special offer please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please click here to read information about the Cycling New Zealand Insurance Cover for our licenced members


Day 11 Sunday Nullabor to Nundroo This I thought was going to be a relatively easy day.perth 7 018 The time zone had changed again back at the border – another 45mins so the sun was well up when I hit the road. As you can see by looking at the 2 signposts – the one going to Nundroo says 143 km and the one going the other way from Nundroo to Nullarbor says 144 as the sign at Nundroo was right at the entrance unlike the one at Nullarbor which was about a km outside. I was

Day 15 Thursday 27th June Elliston to Arno Bay

Looking outside first thing this morning it appeared gloomy but as the sun was not yet up it was difficult to determine what the day was going to be like. Within half an hour it was raining – real rain. And within a very short period of time there were puddles forming around the campervan P1010876


Friday 21 June Day  9 Madura  to Eucla TODAYS STATS – 20 Roos, 3 RFDS Emergency airstrips, 2 grids, 1 Super Super Super Woman

 Another early cold start. And not far out of Madura was the first airstrip for the day.

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I must reiterate the fabulous truck drivers. I have only had 3 bad experiences out of 1000’s of trucks that have passed me. They give me plenty of room and the friendly waves will be something that I will have to stop doing when I finally get home.