Club Racing Volunteer Roster 2018

Road Racing doesn’t happen without the hard work of many.
We are needing to fill all the spaces in Blue for this seasons road racing calendar, if you or someone you know is able to lend a hand please let us know by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and the date you are available and the position you are able to fill.

All volunteers will go into the draw at the end of the season to win one of two prizes supplied by Bike Manawatu as a thank you for your time and commitment

Please click here for the latest club racing volunteer list

Please click here for all information about our volunteer positions

The same winner cannot win both draws.
Each time you volunteer you receive an entry into a draw to win one of two $100 vouchers to Nero Restaurant.
The more times you volunteer the higher your chance of winning
Winners will be announced at the club prize giving at the end of the season.
Members and non-members are eligible
Board Members are not Eligable
The draw will be drawn using random number generator & will be published on our website at the end of the season / prize giving

If you are unable to make your roster it is your responsibility to swap or find a suitable replacement.

Please click here to see our running total of volunteers to date

Thank you

Many Hands Make Light Work


