Bike Manawatu wish to congratulate Campbell Stewart, Michaela Drummond, Libby Arbuckle and Emily Shearman on being selected as finalists for the Central Energy Trust Manawatu Sports Awards to be held on Friday the 2nd of March.
Tickets are available from Sports Manawatu and doors open at 5.45pm at Central Trust Arena.

A Hot summer of Safe cycling

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This year’s summer has been kind to cycling enthusiasts with groups and solo riders building their kilometres. Every year is different and we all know weather plays a big part of how much time we spend on the bike often braving the elements. More recently though everyone seems to be loving the weather and cycling. May it continue.
On a more serious note. All recreational riders and groups are responsible to choose the safest possible route please. Staying hard left on the left side of the road and two abreast (unless single file is called for) concentrating and communicating throughout the ride is road etiquette and generally safe.
So why have many of our riders and ride groups been seen (far too often) looking for cover and spreading three and four abreast across the road at times even over the white line.
This disregard for safety is why many other road users get frightened or angry towards cyclists when approaching us from behind or oncoming.
Please be sensible and ride in the most appropriate groups and follow cycling etiquette. Spirited riders if you want to race knowing the group will split at some point maybe pre plan your groups more appropriately before you leave.
A good safe ride with your cycling buddies and a coffee and good banter together afterwards is fun. A serious accident would not be worth thinking about.
Check out: NZ Transport agency- The Official New Zealand Code for cyclists.


Bike Manawatu " Dinner and Dance Prize Giving "

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Lock in this date in if you want to dress up and enjoy a cycling "Dinner and Dance Prize Giving“ with your partner and cycling buddies. Get ready to book a seat or table with friends and we will recognise and celebrate success and have some fun together. This invitation goes out to all masters and schools people past or present.
When: Saturday night the 28th of April
Where: details to be released soon.
Anyone keen to help put something fun together for this our first "Dinner and Dance Prize Giving" email Keryn This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We would love to hear from you.

Bike Manawatu wish to congratulate our rising star track cyclists for an amazing hall of medals at last week’s National Track Cycling Champs. Just read the results and next time you see these committed local riders and their families be sure to congratulate them. They deserve every amount of praise.

Michaela Drummond finished third in the women's 20km points race and she rode the in a composite team in the women's madison with Racquel Sheath (Waikato) and they won gold. Michaela was also in the west coast north Island (WCNI) team along with Emily Shearman, Libby Arbuckle and Megan Gardner that won Silver in the 4000m team pursuit.
Jordan Castle was third in the men's 1000m time trail and second in the men's Keirin.
Emily Shearman was third in the under 19 women's 500m time trail and second in the under-19 2000m individual pursuit.
Libby Arbuckle was third in the under 19 women's 7.5km scratch race and won silver in the 15km points race. Carne Groube was third in the men's 15km scratch race.
Our WCNI men won bronze in the 4000m team pursuit and our junior women sprint team win gold.
Campbell Stewart was third in the men's 30km points race and riding with Dylan Kennett for a composite Waikato team won the madison.
Campbell Stewart was named as junior men's cyclist of the year. He defended his world title in the Omnium at the junior world championships and was a member of the pursuit team that broke the world record.


A Hot summer of Safe cycling

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This year’s summer has been kind to cycling enthusiasts with groups and solo riders building their kilometres. Every year is different and we all know weather plays a big part of how much time we spend on the bike often braving the elements. More recently though everyone seems to be loving the weather and cycling. May it continue.
On a more serious note. All recreational riders and groups are responsible to choose the safest possible route please. Staying hard left on the left side of the road and two abreast (unless single file is called for) concentrating and communicating throughout the ride is road etiquette and generally safe.
So why have many of our riders and ride groups been seen (far too often) looking for cover and spreading three and four abreast across the road at times even over the white line.
This disregard for safety is why many other road users get frightened or angry towards cyclists when approaching us from behind or oncoming.
Please be sensible and ride in the most appropriate groups and follow cycling etiquette. Spirited riders if you want to race knowing the group will split at some point maybe pre plan your groups more appropriately before you leave.
A good safe ride with your cycling buddies and a coffee and good banter together afterwards is fun. A serious accident would not be worth thinking about.
Check out: NZ Transport agency- The official New Zealand Code for cyclists.


Central Energy Manawatu Sports Awards

Bike Manawatu wish to congratulate Campbell Stewart, Michaela Drummond, Libby Arbuckle and Emily Shearman on being selected as finalists for the Central Energy Trust Manawatu Sports Awards to be held on Friday the 2nd of March.
Tickets are available from Sports Manawatu and doors open at 5.45pm at Central Trust Arena.


"Manawatu Festival of Cycling" Retro Ride

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Over 40 people from as far as Wellington, Hawkes Bay and Auckland dressed up in very cool old fashion clothing and handpicked their favourite old fashion bikes and had a ball riding this years "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" Retro Ride. Fun was had by all. See a sample of photos including one Gary Buys taking a business call before setting off.


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Check out results here or by following the link on the Gravel and Tar website.

UCI Gravel and Tar Classic 131km

Ethan Berends ( AUS )of Möbius Bridgelane takes the win ahead of Michael Torckler (NZ) of Blindz Direct and Hayden McCormick of the New Zealand national team. Local riders Robert Stannard,Alex, West,Joel, Yates,Jacob, Sievwright and Mitchell Kinghorn contested this tough endurance event where luck plays a major part as punctures and mechanicals can blow your race apart. Media reports reached Italy and other parts of the world with a day of the event.

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Gravel and Tar Gran Fondo 70km

Mens over 19 went to Cliff Hughes followed by Brett Ismack in second and John Mudgeway in third. Womens over 19 was won by Lizzy Stannard with Margaret Leyland second and Cheryl Christie in third.

The boys under 19 race winner Madi Hartley Brown was closely followed by Dylan Simpson in second and Jack Edwards in third. Girls under 19, the winner was Rosie Obrien.


Libby Arbuckle in the Sun Tour Australia

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What an achievement for Libby Arbuckle racing against some of the best female cyclists in the world at the Sun Tour 2018 in Australia.


Taranaki Cycle Challenge

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Many of our club riders travelled to Taranaki last weekend for the around the mountain cycle challenge. In the heat and over a long distance many different category of riders put themselves up the challenge. The feedback from those who competed this year said once again it was tough but a great weekend was had by all in New Plymouth. Congratulations to everyone who rode the challenge.

Gravel and Tar - Thank you.

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Bike Manawatu want to thank all of those people who participated and volunteered to help stage our first “Manawatu Festival of Cycling" 2018.

The people of Manawatu should feel proud this unique community event has been a success.

Designed as a community event to promote the health and fitness benefits of cycling to all ages in the wider Manawatu. Bike Manawatu with the help of a the Palmerston City Council, CEDA and SportManawatu along with the support of NZCT,Mainland, Foundation, Lion Foundation and a select number of local businesses partnered to produce a excellent fun filled weekend for cycling fans.

The "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" catered for all ages across five different ride events.

Approximate participants: (315 people)

Main Events: UCI Gravel and Tar Classic. 131km.             (11 teams and 55 riders)

                     Bayleys Gravel and Tar Gran Fondo 70km.   (50 riders)

                     Riverpath Challenge 30km.                           (20 riders)

                     Retro Ride- dress up ride on older bikes.       (40 riders)

                     Bike Movie night at the Globe.                       (80 people)

                     Mountain Bike Kahuterawa Challenge.           (70 riders)

Festival Activities included;

25th January; Manawatu Schools "question and answer" evening at Hotel coachman with the elite UCI international cycling team Möbius Bridgelane was a success. During the week our talented local school cyclist also had the opportunity to go on training rides with the elite teams. A huge learning benefit to our schools.

26th January; The formal welcome to the Manawatu dinner at Hotel Coachman (Pasta Party) for all of the elite UCI cycling teams, managers and our stakeholders and sponsors. The evening went well with 110 people enjoying two hours together.

27th January; "Cycling Central" in George street was closed off and setup for the Festival atmosphere with live all day music. The pre race "Gravel and Tar" team presentations were held on the big stage to resemble a European Cycling Festival with a "Kiwi Flavour”. Later in the day after the "Gravel and Tar" race prize giving acknowledged everyone involved in event and rider interviews.

The vibe throughout the day in George street and the square was excellent and the feedback mainly positive and proud from local people. When interviewed on stage the elite teams confirmed with their audience how much they loved the Manawatu region and being a part of the festive. Most said they will be back next year.

The UCI accredited the "Gravel an Tar Classic with 1.2 status in October 2017 giving Bike Manawatu four months to stage the event. The protocol, standards and scale of holding a UCI event, one of only six UCI events held this end of the world did extend our small clubs resources over the four months.

Of interest has been the incredible national and international attention the "Gravel and Tar Classic" has had which is humbling for our small region. Film footage of the event is currently being edited to showcase the beautiful Manawatu countryside and New Zealand.


"Manawatu Festival of Cycling" - Debrief

Not everyone in the club agreed with our club hosting the event and not everything run smoothly which all events experience. The club have now experienced new heights in event management and are currently debriefing all areas of this event with the future in mind.

We would appreciate helpful and constructive solution-based feedback from members on the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Would you support riding our local "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" next year. Yes or no?
  • Would you ride an event with Gravel in it? Yes or No?

3) What ride events would you like added to the event to encourage you to ride?

4) Would a day of festival entertainment be of value to your day. Yes or No?

5)Would you be a volunteer to help out next event? Yes or no?

Apologise : I have to personally apologise to all Gran Fondo and Riverpath Challenge riders for me not presenting the spot prizes at the prize giving on stage in George street. As a first for me personally, unfortunately the prize giving was long and went into the early evening. I therefore chose not to finish off with the spot prizes as many people had left and the Stage and festival equipment was due to come down.

We do however intend to present them and will notify those spot prize winners.


Kairanga Time trail series starts again.

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Bike Manawatu Track Programme 2018

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The hard work put in by our fantastic band of local volunteers and supporters was humbling while the backing of our local businesses was truly appreciated. Even more valuable was the vision and support given to cycling in the region by PNCC, Ceda, Sport Manawatu, NZCT, Mainland Foundation, Lion Foundations which speaks volumes.

To achieve this in such a short four month period after UCI accreditation, everyone should be tremendously proud of for their part in this our first "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" Not everything ran smoothly and our current debriefing processes have been invaluable. So thank you.

Equally not all members were positive about Bike Manawatu hosting the "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" which we know is all part of building something that is new.We learnt the same was true for the Taupo Cycling Challenge organisers who recall terrible early times way back when they first started.

Your Feedback please?

We welcome all cycling fans for their helpful and constructive solutions based feedback to help us for future events. Please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Would you support riding this local "Manawatu Festival of Cycling" event? Y/N
- Would you ride an event with Gravel in it? Y/N
- What events would you like to encourage you to ride?

A special thank you to Rob Ryan for organising the race vehicles for the race officials, doctors, media and photographers. Palmfeild Motors, Robertson Holden, and Nissan Manawatu were outstanding in supporting our event.
Also thank you to our four local bike shops for their generous support in the Gran Fondo prize giving top three winners. Bike Barn, Central Bycyle Studio, AvantiPlus and Crankit Cycles.


Robert Stannard Joins Mitchelon-Scott

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Last week after racing in the UCI "Gravel and Tar Classic" local rising star Robert Stannard flew to Dubai to race in the Tour of Dubai.Phenomenal really for many reason.Robert has just been signed by world class pro team Mitchelton- Scott and this week also came an astonishing 15th place ahead of legend Mark Cavendish and a world class field in stage one of the Tour of Dubai.Find out more


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After finishing their Five stage New Zealand Cycle Classic Tour in the weekend many of the leading elite cyclists from New Zealand and Australia have arrived in the Manawatu and are now focusing their attention on Bike Manawatu's UCI Gravel and Tar Classic. Its so great to have them here in our region for the week leading up to the race on Saturday the 27th of January.

This is the main event of our "Manawatu Festival of Cycling“ and already the cycling vibe is exciting. Cycling fans from around the world will be watching with interest these rising star compete in the 131km "Gravel and Tar Classic" that leaves at 1pm from the Palmerston North Square. We are excited to have these star riders here and hope they enjoy their week and the race.

The riders will travel on the Tar road from Palmerston North to Ashhurst past Highland Home through the beautiful Pohangina Countryside and onto 40km of gravel. A tough hard out event these elite riders will be challenged by but will love once they are talking about it afterwards.

Leading local Bike Manawatu riders who now ride at elite level, Robert Stannard (last years winner),Alex West, Joel Yates and Carne Groube are riding for different teams and would love your support.

Otherwise we invite you and your families to be at George street at 11.30am for the introduction of the 11 elite teams on stage before the race at 1pm in front of a enthusiastic crowd of cycling fans. The street is closed off and the vibe we hope will be a little like a European village cycling festival with your help. All day live music while the cafes, restaurants and retails also excite in the day.

At 4.30 after the race we are back to George street for the start of the prizing giving for all three events. On big stage we will recognise 31 different prizes for the UCI race from individual to team prizes followed by the Gran Fondo and Riverpath Challenge prizes and spot prizes.

We would love our cycling community to embrace this day that is unlike any other cycling day we have had before in our region. In the inner city and our stunning Palmerston North square makes for a nice family vibe for all ages.

$2000 worth of prizes for "Gravel and Tar Gran Fondo riders.

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Sponsors Bayleys Real Estate and our four City Bike Shops have got together to provide riders in this years Gravel and Tar Gran Fondo 70km ride $500 worth of prizes in four categories.
Ride starts at 1.15pm from Square January 27th for recreational riders.

Mens grade over 19; Bike Barn vouchers to the value of 1st $250 2nd $150 3rd $100
Women grade over19. AvantiPlus vouchers to the value of 1st $250 2nd $150, 3rd $100
Boys under 19; Central Bicycle Studio vouchers to the value of 1st $250 2nd $150 3rd $100
Girls under 19 : Crankit Cycles vouchers to the value of 1st $250 2nd $150 3rd $100

Online registration are best a soon as possible and are easy please. Late entries for the Gran Fondo and Riverpath Challenge open on Saturday morning at 7.30am and close at 9am at Cyclista Cafe on George street.

"Manawatu Festival of Cycling"-Saturday 27 January ACTIVITIES.

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Check out video
The party starts at "Cycling Central" from 7.30am on Saturday the 27th of January which involves closing off George Street from Cyclista Cafe to Moxies Cafe. Green carpet will be laid on the road to cordon off the Cycling Central Festival and the street party will begin. All retailers in George Street are totally enthusiastic towards helping this fun event succeed. All we need is more rider entries for the Gran Fondo and Riverpath Challenge to help boost numbers.

The big stage setup on George street will be ready to introduce the Pro riders and team at 11.45am before they make their way to the start line at 1pm outside I SITE on the Palmerston North square. Followed by the start of the Gran Fondo ride at 1.15pm and The River Path Challenge at 1.30pm

Lead by the police and six international race commissaires (referees) the UCI Gravel and Tar pro Race will travel up through Ashhurst the beautiful Pohangina Valley showcasing the Manawatu region to the world followed by media and film crew capturing drone and film footage.

The 131km race is expected to finish at Memorial Park at 4.15pm and the official prize presentation starts at 4.45pm on Stage at Cycling Central in George street where we are hoping the cycling vibe of a European Cycling Village event can be felt in Palmy. The more friends you can bring along the better.

27th January day activities time line

Where; "Cycling Central" -George Street
7am to 9am: Late entries for 70km Gran Fondo and 30km Riverpath Challenge
9.45am : Retro Ride Start
9.45am Ongoing entertainment (Musicians) on Stage for the day.
11.30; Introducing the UCI Pro Team Managers and Pro race Teams on stage.
1pm: Start of UCI Gravel and Tar 131km Race from I Site on the square.
1.15pm: Start of Gravel and Tar Gran Fondo 70km ride.
1.30pm: Start of Gravel and Tar River Path Challenge 30km ride
3pm: Riverpath Challenge Finish-Memorial Park
3.30pm; Gran Fondo Finish-Memorial Park
4.15pm; UCI Pro Race Finish-Memorial Park
4.45pm; UCI Pro Race 1st,2nd,3rd Ceremony -on stage Cycling Central -George street
5pm: Riverpath Challenge Prize Giving-on stage Cycling Central -George street
5.15pm; Gran Fondo Prize Giving- on stage Cycling Central-George street.
5.30pm ;UCI teams and Individual prize giving.

Locals Perform well at "New Zealand Cycle Classic"

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In one of the most exciting finishes to the five stage UCI 2.2 New Zealand Cycle classic, NZ National team rider Hayden McCormick wins over Robert Stannard who was awarded the best under 23 rider. In the NZ winning team is photo local rider Joel Yates and former PNBHS rider Luke Mudgeway. This week they compete again for the honours at our "UCI Gravel and Tar". An exciting prospect not to be missed.

Team Möbius Bridgelane speak to school cyclist.

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Bike Manawatu invited Elite Cycling team Team Möbius Bridgelane to speak to our schools cycling members for night of learning at Hotel Coachman while in our city for the week. Team manager Tom Petty and his team uncovered what life was like behind the scenes as an elite cyclist and how to mentally and tactically prepare to become an elite cyclist for a living. Local star Robert Stannard also added a wealth of experience to the night. An excellent learning for our young talented school cyclists. We thank Tom and team Möbius Bridgelane for their willingness to share such amazing knowledge.