Kia ora
Sport Manawatu is running iMove Workplaces from May 1 2011 to May 31 2011 to businesses in Palmerston North and they would like you to be involved!
iMove Workplaces is an active transport initiative encouraging workers to ditch the car and walk or bike places instead (such as to work, to meetings, to the shops or to the gym). If you would like to know more, please refer to the attached factsheet which explains more about iMove Workplaces and the benefits to your organisation for participating.

A very warm welcome is sent to our newest members that have joined Bike Manawatu in the month of April.

We hope you enjoy your association with the club and are able to make full use of all the benefits available to members and equally importantly are able to participate in many of the events that the club organises.

Chris Sanson
Hayden Washington-Smith
Jack Harris
Margaret Leyland
Malcolm Rees
Richard Sheehan
Ian Gray
Richard Day
Lyall Goggin
Vivianne Phillips
Robin Exton
Andrew Ward
Neil Martin
And Connell Leahy who joined as an associate member.

Kate Ellery

Spotted in the latest AirNZ inflight magazine… a nice shot of Kate Ellery

The Country Road ClassicWell done to the riders who rode The Country Road Manawatu Cycle Classic last weekend.


Great to see so many local riders out there on the course.

If you have any photo’s you would like to share, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  I’m sure we can collectively put together a great photo album.

RideStrong Ranking SeriesThe RaboDirect RideStrong Ranking series finished this week.

Local riders featured prominently, and the major spot prize went to one of our club members!