- Details
- Written by Glenys Taylor
Elite Men
Simon van Velthooven
Matiu Kaihau
Under 19 Men
Jordan Castle
Josh Kendall
James Cuff
Under 19 Women
Kate Stewart
Ruby Perry
- Details
- Written by Glenys Taylor
The club would like to help any members looking for coaching assistance to find a coach - please get in touch with Peter McCarthy if you need a coach and he will try to pair you up with the best person to help you.
We are also looking for more coaches – if you are interested in coaching but have no experience please get in touch with Peter McCarthy. BikeNZ may not be offering any coaching courses this year so we would like to pair you up with an experienced coach who can mentor you in this role.
Peter’s contact details are:
Mobile 0275 150121
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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- Written by Glenys Taylor
For those wishing to enter the Club track Individual Pursuit champs on Saturday 22nd February Approx. start times will be U15 - 3.30pm U17 - 4.00pm and U19/open/masters 4.30pm. Please send Mike Simpson your name to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and he will be able to get a start list out. If you know riders who don't go on this site could you please give them my details.”
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- Written by Glenys Taylor
According to the nightly TV weather report Palmerston North got the hottest temperature across the country today. But at 5.45pm the temperature was cooling but the remnants of the hot day lingered. The sun was at the right level to make it hard to identify people as they appeared with the sun blaring behind them at registration. At race briefing it was stressed the importance of cyclists remaining vigilant after they crossed the finish line about traffic following them and staying off the road in and around the start / finish area. Also the time trials are individual time trials which means no drafting. Drafting is when one cyclist is riding behind another. This conserves energy for the rider behind but also can allow them to go faster as they don’t have to push through the wind as much as the rider in the front. Any rider drafting penalises themself.
It was great to see some more new faces. So far for the 3 weeks of this series we have had 50 riders participate. And each week we are slowly building our numbers.
Thanks to everyone who helped last night – Pete Robson on the turn and a family effort from John and Jan Arbuckle along with the regular helpers of Kirsty and Stu on the start and finish line.
Riders please remember to bring your numbers as it makes it a lot easier at the finish line.
Click here for results
- Details
- Written by Glenys Taylor
Our uniform order was placed on 20th February to ensure all requirements are available for club nationals at the beginning of May. If you did not order by the time orders closed your requirements may not be filled out of the extras that are available.
To order please either send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating what items your require and what sizes. Or text Glenys 021 260 5536 The prices shown are a rough guide as the final price is dependant on the number of items ordered. A deposit of 50 % will be required when order is placed.