There will be a change to the events calendar. The first race will be the two-up time trial at Pyke Rd on the 27th of Feb. This is because we cannot use Linton Camp on that day. The Kermesse at Linton will be run, instead, as the last race of the series.
This change in the calendar will be actioned ASAP.
We are still looking for people to put their hands up to run the upcoming races. To date, only two people have contacted me to offer to help. If you are keen to help but not sure what to do, please give me a call and I can run you through what is required to coordinate a race. It’s not hard!
Without volunteering assistance, we simply cannot hold racing of any kind.

It’s that time of the year again when we need to start thinking about the AGM. We will be holding this on the 5th of April at a venue to be announced soon. The idea of letting everyone know soon is that we will be making, according to our constitution, the annual accounts for 2015 available before the meeting. The longer lead-in allow enable those people who might be interested in becoming Board members to get a nomination in with plenty of time. There will be at least one, and maybe a couple, of Board positions available. If you are interested, please have a chat with any of the current Board members.

On the same occasion, as is usual practice for us, we have the track prize-giving evening. There are two reasons for this. Firstly it encourages members to turn up so that we have enough people to be quorate (make a binding decision via vote). Secondly, it ensure that those receiving prizes have plenty of people to celebrate their successes.

We will be sending out a request for those who attend to bring a plate of food in a future correspondence. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas, issues, or complaints about how the organisation is being run, don’t hesitate to talk to Christine or one of the Board members.

Thanks, Steve.

If you require Uniforms please contact me ASAP either by return mail or 0274422521

The order will be placed on Tuesday the 9th Feb

Prices of each item will depend on volume of order.

We will be ordering:

Aero Jerseys
Short Sleeved Jerseys
Long Sleeved Jerseys
Bib Shorts
Skin Suits - Long Sleeve
Skin Suits - Short Sleeve

For further info on styles go to

Please see basic measurement chart from Tineli.

Kind Regards

Christine Christie

Bike Manawatu

This is an invitation for Bike Manawatu riders, both male and female, to be part of the "Elite Flying Kilo" event in Rotorua on Feb 13th.
It is the headline event, to finish of the larger "Ride the Runway" community event held on the Rotorua Airport Runway 
The Flying Kilo is basically a 1km scratch race, but in a straight line - the 20 best riders they can muster in a one-off 1km race down the tarmac. The riders will be brought up to speed by a lead vehicle, which will pull away at the flag, and 1km all out race is on. There will be separate Men's and Womens events.
Video of last years event can be viewed herehere
Prize money as follows (and equal payout for both mens and womens events:
1st $500
2nd $250
3rd $150
4th $75
5th $50.
There is no entry fee. And entry application is to Mark (Cabin) Leishman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If anyone is interested e-mail Cabin ASAP.
The Bike the Lake road race is on the following day also, so you can make a weekend of it.




Results and photos from last weekend's race are now available
