This is an invitation for Bike Manawatu riders, both male and female, to be part of the "Elite Flying Kilo" event in Rotorua on Feb 13th.
It is the headline event, to finish of the larger "Ride the Runway" community event held on the Rotorua Airport Runway 
The Flying Kilo is basically a 1km scratch race, but in a straight line - the 20 best riders they can muster in a one-off 1km race down the tarmac. The riders will be brought up to speed by a lead vehicle, which will pull away at the flag, and 1km all out race is on. There will be separate Men's and Womens events.
Video of last years event can be viewed herehere
Prize money as follows (and equal payout for both mens and womens events:
1st $500
2nd $250
3rd $150
4th $75
5th $50.
There is no entry fee. And entry application is to Mark (Cabin) Leishman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If anyone is interested e-mail Cabin ASAP.
The Bike the Lake road race is on the following day also, so you can make a weekend of it.
