Happy New Year. We hope you all had a lovely festive season.
Get your calendars out and lock in our dates.
Our end of our 2018-19 season is locked in.

Fri 18 Jan
TISSOT UCI Track Cycling World Cup

Sat 19 Jan
Gravel & Tar 2019
TISSOT UCI Track Cycling World Cup
Wellington Masters - Track TBC

Sun 20 Jan
TISSOT UCI Track Cycling World Cup
Wellington Masters - Track TBC
BM Track Cycling

Tues 22 Jan
BM Track Cycling

Thurs 24 Jan
Waipa Festival - UCI

Fri 25 Jan
Waipa Festival – UCI
Bike Manawatu Happy Hour

Sat 26 Jan
Waipa Festival - UCI
Around the Mountain - Taranaki
WCNI Centre Track Champs Whanganui

Sun 27 Jan
Waipa Festival - UCI
Laykold cup - Wellington
WCNI Centre Track Champs Whanganui Rain Day
BM Track Cycling
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Tues 29 Jan
BM Track Cycling

Fri 1 Feb
NZ Masters Games

Sat 2 Feb
NZ Masters Games

Sun 3 Feb
NZ Masters Games
Dynamo Team Road Series. Race 5
BM Track Cycling
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Sun 4 Feb
Wellington Junior Track Champs

Thurs 7 Feb
2019 Vantage Elite & U19 Track National Championships

Fri 8 Feb
2019 Vantage Elite & U19 Track National Championships

Sat 9 Feb
2019 Vantage Elite & U19 Track National Championships
BM Race 8 – Cheltenham Classic New Date

Sun 10 Feb
2019 Vantage Elite & U19 Track National Championships
Dynamo Team Road Series. Race 6
BM Track Cycling
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Tues 12 Feb
BM Track Cycling

Wed 13 Feb
Kairanga ITT (Race 1 of 3)

Sat 16 Feb
Bev May Tour (Womens)
River City Wheelrace

Sun 17 Feb
Bev May Tour (Womens)
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wed 20 Feb
Kairanga ITT (Race 2 of 3)

Fri 22 Feb
Bike Manawatu Happy Hour

Sat 23 Feb
BM Race 9 – BM Hill Climb Champs

Sun 24 Feb
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wed 27 Feb
Kairanga ITT (Race 3 of 3)


We also have other club key dates

Sat 2 MarchBM Race 10 – ITT Champs
Tues 12 MarchBM Race 11 – Akers Road
16-17 MarchNovice Tour
Tues 26 MarchBM Race 12 – A1 Loops or Akers Road (TBC)
Sun 14 AprilBM Race 13 BM & WCNI Road Race Champs

A friendly reminder our Bike Manawatu Happy Hours are scheduled for the last Friday of each month with our first being next Friday 25th January
Come one, come all and enjoy the company of like minded cycling buddies.

Bike Manawatu Happy Hour
Friday 25th January 2019
Friday 22nd February 2019
Friday 29th March 2019
Friday 26th April 2019

For those of you that have read some of my stories about the Tour of The Bay Enduro, 2 laps of Tour de Manawatu, and 2 laps of Taupo in memory of our team mate Glenn Thorby, you will have heard about the BBC, we’re basically just a bunch of good mates who enjoy each other’s company, ride together, and occasionally do some crazy stuff. 

Tim Mackey sent a message a week or so about a ride he was planning, from whanganui (yes there’s an H in there - don’t get me started on that one), up the Parapara’s (SH4), Fields Track, Whangaehu Valley Rd, to Ohakune for a lunch stop, then on to Raetihi, Pipiriki, and then the whanganui River Road back to whanganui.  When the Strava map came through, we are all pretty sure it said 2591 metres of climbing - sure, 200 kms and nearly 2,600m, we can do that - most of us have ridden K2 (either the race itself, or a reconnaissance lap of the course), or the Pongaroa Loop - this was totally do-able.  We made a plan and headed away nice and early on Sunday to drive to Whanganui.  On the way up there was a bit of rain, and we began to wonder if we had picked the right day - but that soon passed.

We unloaded bikes, crammed our jersey pockets full of gels, bars and other fuel and set off. 

The first 50 or so km’s from Whanganui were quite uneventful, but we did see some amazing scenery and views of the Whanganui River- there were a few climbs, but nothing too taxing... Then we made the turn on to Field’s Track - cue Jaws type music- this was straight in to a 6.5km climb.  For the most part, the climb was a good gradient, with only a few sharp pinches, but it was just relentless - it didn’t stop - and then when we thought it had - it hadn’t.  While we got a few downhill sections on the rest of Fields Track and the Whangaehu Valley Road, there were definitely more uphills than down - oh, and did I mention the wind?

If the wind hadn’t made itself known to us earlier, by the time we hit the main road to Ohakune, we definitely knew about it - and it wasn’t a tailwind either.

We made a stop in Ohakune for lunch, where Wayne Fage met us for the second half of the ride.

We departed Ohakune and headed for Raetihi, and then on to Pipriki - this was mainly downhill, but with 2 climbs in there.   At Pipiriki we had a compulsory photo stop and then turned on to the Whanganui       River Road - we we warned by Jeremy that there was a ‘reasonable’ climb out of there before we hit the nice downhill stuff - as we were climbing the first hill, Jeremy decided to tell us that this wasn’t actually the climb he was referring to - he must’ve forgotten about that little bump in the road.  Once we were over the ‘actual’ climb, we started a beautiful descent down in to the valley - we still had a number of short uphills, but it was predominantly downhill. As we wound our way beside the river we were treated to some stunning views of the river and the lush green landscape.

Jeremy had also warned us of one last climb out of the valley to the outskirts of Whanganui, we were still about 30kms away I was fast starting to run out of fluids - luckily we found a house where I could refill my bottles.  Another 10kms along and the others were starting to run out of fluids, we managed to find a campsite with a tap to refill - however, the water didn’t smell all that great and there was a bit of talk about gastro bugs (I was quite glad I’d refilled my bottles earlier) It was also about this point in time that Garmin checks said that we had already climbed more than the promised 2,600 metres - unfortunately that didn’t get us out of the last climb.

The last climb definitely had a bit of hurt for us - this might just have because we were nearly 200kms and 8 hours in to riding in hot temperatures, but at the top our efforts were rewarded with the most spectacular view down to the river and valley below - and with it care an appreciation of just how far up we had climbed.

All in all, it was a great day out - a little more climbing than we had anticipated, but we all managed it (with no reports of gastro bugs yet), and everybody agreed that the views and scenery were what made this ride.

This truly is an amazing ride, it’s challenging, but do-able, and almost right on our doorstep - I thoroughly recommend it, even if you split it up by staying overnight in Ohakune, or just did the second leg from Ohakune to Whanganui - you won’t be disappointed.





Happy New Year ! We hope you had an amazing holiday / festive season.
On behalf of our Novice Tour organising committee we are super excited to let you know online entries are now open for our 2019 Novice Tour event.
As mentioned at last years prizegiving, we have moved our dates forward for 2019 and this year we will be hosting our event on the 16th - 17th March 2019.

To avoid disappointment we wanted to let you know that online entries are now open and you can head on over and register. 

Just like 2018 - 2019's event will be 3 stages over 2 days, with similar course/s 
Grades: U13 - U19 Boys & Girls, Men & Women  
For all information and online registrations please visit our Bike Manawatu website
Online entries are up and running and can be found HERE
We will be posting all updates on our Novice Tour of Manawatu facebook page so make sure you hit "like" and stay tuned with all our info.
We will also aim to have info up on our Bike Manawatu website also.

Save The Date 2019 Novice Tour

Novice Tour Volunteers:

If you are keen to help out during the Tour in any way shape or form we are always very appreciative.
This particular tour can take a small village to run from drivers, marshals, judges and everyone else in between.
Please email secretary@bikemanawatu.co.nz if you would like to offer your time and lend a hand

Thank You 

Please find attached the results from today's track meeting. The wind definitely tested everyone today, especially during the 800m TT race. Big Congratulations to Matthew Mullins who "Crushed" his previous best time by 4 seconds. Also special mention to Grant Haggett, Riley Tunnicliffe & Ewan Cousins for improving on each of their times too. Harrison Craw came within 3 one hundreth's of a second of breaking his record & Neriah Kaihe--Woolston set a new U17 Girls 800m record. The race of the day bar none was the U15, 8 Lap Handicap Race. Sophie Peters used her handicap to full effect to hold out a very strong & fast finishing Kylah Gunn. Pity that riders & supporters had already left, as this was definitely a truly incredible moment. Kind regards