Calling all Recreational Cyclists!

I am making contact on behalf of a group of horse riders based in Ashhurst.
We are trying to get better riding access in and around Ashhurst township and beyond, and we thought it could be useful to contact local cyclists so that we could add weight to the request for a recreational pathway beside the proposed SH3 over the hill to Woodville.
As horse riders we have sent in our submissions to NZTA regarding the pathway. It appears that numbers carry weight with NZTA. If, in your dealings with them, you wish to include us as another interest-group who would be keen to use such a pathway, then please do so.
Another request directed at NZTA is to provide an alternative to the rail overbridge into Ashhurst for non-vehicular traffic. Currently, walkers, riders and cyclists all share the narrow pavements at either side of the bridge, which can be inconvenient and unsafe. Extending Pembroke Street across the rail cutting to the Ashhurst Domain seems an obvious choice to site a new bridge for non-motorised traffic. As there will be no Ashhurst bypass and the new State Highway is at least 6-7 years away, we would like to see a safe alternative created in the near future. If you have an Ashhurst representative, we would be happy to have a chat and see how we might help each other.

There is also a Message group entitled Ashhurst Recreational Riding Corridor, set up by Arthur Yeo for local horse riders, if anyone is interested to look.
Thank you!
Sam McIver