Bike Manawatu To Host WCNI Road Race 29 June 2019

Bike Manawatu are hosting the final Road Race for the WCNI interclub series on Saturday 29th June 2019

Please pre-register here

wcni _ road race champs 2019 29 June 2019

All information about the course can be found HERE

Please remember all WCNI events you are representing your club so please ensure you are wearing your club kit with pride and dont forget to bring along your CNZ licenses also.

For all of our Bike Manawatu members we ask if you could kindly bring a plate of food to share at the end of the race.
Thank You 

One of the many positive initiatives to come about from our recent Open Track Forum was, selling for a donation some of our apparel & equipment which had been donated by all the wonderful, kind & sincere people who support our club, as well as items which were purchased by committee members for all our riders. Spread the word to all your cycling families & friends, that there's "Bargains a Plenty" to be had Sunday 23rd June.

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Bike Manawatu Team for Trust House Cycling Series

We are again registering a team for the popular Trusthouse Cycling Series in the Wairarapa.  This is a series of 5 races held from September to December, and is while each rider is racing individually, there are also team points awarded.  If you would like more information on the series, check their website for information

At this stage we are only have the interest to field a Masters 2 team 45-54 years of age, but are looking at expressions of interest from anybody wanting to be on a team in case there are enough numbers to enter teams in the other age grades.  And we still have room for other Masters 2 age group riders on the current team.

If you are interested in taking part please get in touch with us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

Please note that we do not have any sponsorship for this, so there will be some cost involved to those riders wishing to participate.

Up & Coming Events for week ending 14 June 2019

Sat 15h June
BM Race 1 A1 Loops please pre register HERE 
2019-20 BM Race 1 A1 Loops

Sun 16th June
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wed 19th June
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sun 23rd June
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Wed 26th June
Wednesday Recreational Ride

Sat 29th June 
WCNI Interclub Road Race hosted by Bike Manawatu – Halcombe Circuitplease pre register HERE

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Sun 30th June
BikeManawatu Sunday Recreational Ride

Other dates to pencil in:
Sun 14th July
BM Race 2 – Akers Road

Sat 17th August
BM Race 3 – Linton TBC

Sat 14 September
BM Race 4 – Woolworths Cup

Sun 13th October
BM Race 5 – HillClimb Champs

Please find our 2019-2020 Road Racing calendar HERE

Volunteers Required Please 2019-2020

2019 – 2020  Race calendar here

Many Hands Make Light Work

Road Racing doesn’t happen without the hard work of many.

We are always seeking new Volunteer Superstars for our club events to continue

Each season we want to recruit and train up more volunteers, so that we can roster the roles around each week so that not the same people are each week. If you are new to a role, we will aim to offer advice and training where possible / as you learn we will have you working with an experienced person, until you are familiar with the task.

There are many roles that need to be filled including:

  • Marshalls - generally at least 3 for each race
  • Lead / Sag Vehicles
  • Judges
  • Time keepers - We would love to train as many people as possible to use our awesome new timing equipment.
  • Registrations
  • First Aid
  • Traffic Management – STMS
  • Handicapping
  • Report writing- please let us know if you are interested in writing a report about the racing to be posted on the BM web site after each meet

We are always looking for people wanting to be involved as

  • Race Directors / Organizers
  • Sub Committee Members for events
  • Timing

If you are willing to help out this season, please let the club secretary know  ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
With our race calendar released it would be absolutely amazing if we could get a good roster sorted to ensure our volunteers who help week in week out can get back on their bikes and ride with everyone too.

After we have a list of volunteers we can share the jobs around and post on the website each week with who is helping out.

The more volunteers we have, the easier and safer it is for everyone!

Thank_you_volunteers-messages-for-volunteers-appreciationsImage result for MARSHALS FOR RACE