Volunteers Required Please 2019-2020

2019 – 2020  Race calendar here

Many Hands Make Light Work

Road Racing doesn’t happen without the hard work of many.

We are always seeking new Volunteer Superstars for our club events to continue

Each season we want to recruit and train up more volunteers, so that we can roster the roles around each week so that not the same people are each week. If you are new to a role, we will aim to offer advice and training where possible / as you learn we will have you working with an experienced person, until you are familiar with the task.

There are many roles that need to be filled including:

  • Marshalls - generally at least 3 for each race
  • Lead / Sag Vehicles
  • Judges
  • Time keepers - We would love to train as many people as possible to use our awesome new timing equipment.
  • Registrations
  • First Aid
  • Traffic Management – STMS
  • Handicapping
  • Report writing- please let us know if you are interested in writing a report about the racing to be posted on the BM web site after each meet

We are always looking for people wanting to be involved as

  • Race Directors / Organizers
  • Sub Committee Members for events
  • Timing

If you are willing to help out this season, please let the club secretary know  ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
With our race calendar released it would be absolutely amazing if we could get a good roster sorted to ensure our volunteers who help week in week out can get back on their bikes and ride with everyone too.

After we have a list of volunteers we can share the jobs around and post on the website each week with who is helping out.

The more volunteers we have, the easier and safer it is for everyone!

Thank_you_volunteers-messages-for-volunteers-appreciationsImage result for MARSHALS FOR RACE