Photo Gallery
Kirsty Kaihau has been taking some great photos, and she suggested we have a “Photo Gallery” section on the website.

So I’ve added a new Section where we can put galleries of photos.  Try viewing the photos full screen by clicking the little arrow in the bottom right corner!

GoogleDocs is a great way to store club documents and records.  However getting the sharing settings right is important.  I’ve been asked  by several people how to make documents available to to the public through our website.

Here is how to upload files for sharing:

Photos are can be stored on a PicasaWeb Album and displayed on the BikeManawatu Website.

To upload photos to one of these albums, we recommend using the free Picasa tool from Google

1) Put the photos onto your computer's disc and let Picasa find them.  You can make any required adjustments at this time, such as titles, cropping etc.


endomondoIt’s amazing what you can find free on the internet.  If you have a smartphone with a GPS (e.g. Nokia, Android or iPhone) you can download an app that uses the phones GPS to track your ride (or run etc).  It actually sends progress updates while you are on the road…

calendar2This week I’ve implemented the club events calendar.  If things go to plan, this calendar will be the hub of BikeManwatu activities planning.  The Sunday rides for Nov have been entered as well as various other planned events. 

Also provided is an “Upcoming Events” box on the site’s homepage.  That should provide quick access to the next 5 events on the calendar.