- Details
- Written by James Denholm
Gravel & Tar Gran Fondo and Gravel & Tar Riverpath Challenge entries are open.
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- Written by Kate Stewart
The BikeManawatu AGM and Track Prizegiving is being held on Tuesday 11 April.
6:00pm AGM
7:30pm Supper (Please bring a plate to share)
8:00pm Track Prizegiving
9:00pm Prizegiving finish
Please join us as we run through the AGM and stay on to celebrate an amazing year we have had on the track.
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- Written by John Arbuckle
The final of our Winter Series is the Cheltenham Cup handicap road race at Cheltenham – handicap start.
Distance: Cheltenham to Kimbolton and back.
When: Saturday 01 October 2016
Where: Cheltenham Tavern
Registration: 1pm
Race Briefing: 1.20pm
Riders Away: 1.30pm
Cost: $5 per rider BM club member $10 non members
Race Manager: John Arbuckle 0274 779714
STMS Manager: Mike Groube 027 438 1850
Cancellations will be posted on Bike Manawatu face book page by 12.00pm.
We will need 2 on course marshals and Sag Wagon - please volunteer on the day or prior by contacting the race manager.
“To win the cup you must be a paid up club member – join the club today”.
- Details
- Written by John Arbuckle
Manawatu school cycling invite BikeManawatu members to have a go at street racing. The event will be held at Linton Army Camp.