Gravel & Tar Gran Fondo and Gravel & Tar Riverpath Challenge entries are open.

Click here to find out more.

The BikeManawatu AGM and Track Prizegiving is being held on Tuesday 11 April. 

6:00pm               AGM

7:30pm               Supper (Please bring a plate to share)

8:00pm               Track Prizegiving

9:00pm               Prizegiving finish

Please join us as we run through the AGM and stay on to celebrate an amazing year we have had on the track.


The final of our Winter Series is the Cheltenham Cup handicap road race at Cheltenham – handicap start.

Distance:                                               Cheltenham to Kimbolton and back.

When:                                                   Saturday 01 October 2016

Where:                                                  Cheltenham Tavern

Registration:                                         1pm

Race Briefing:                                       1.20pm

Riders Away:                                        1.30pm

Cost:                                                      $5 per rider BM club member $10 non members

Race Manager:                                      John Arbuckle   0274 779714

STMS Manager:                                     Mike Groube      027 438 1850

Cancellations will be posted on Bike Manawatu face book page by 12.00pm.

We will need 2 on course marshals and Sag Wagon - please volunteer on the day or prior by contacting the race manager.

“To win the cup you must be a paid up club member – join the club today”.


To download the programme click here.


 Manawatu school cycling invite BikeManawatu members to have a go at street racing. The event will be held at Linton Army Camp.

 All members welcome, racing will commence at 1.30 with grades A to E.
Registration 1pm.
Care: when entering Linton Army Camp you must present photo identification for all persons in your vehicle ( not negotiable).
When:             Sunday 12 June
Event:             Criterium
Registration:   1pm
If cancelled we will advertise via club Facebook page 12.30pm.