Saturday 29th March 2014

Rongotea course

The course for the  riders that had to complete 15km was from the outskirts of Rongotea to the turn point at Taikorea Rd intersection and back to Rongotea.

For the riders that had to complete 25km the course went in the same direction to just past Hoihere Rd and the old dairy factory and again returning to Rongotea.

An unfavourable head wind hindered the return journey for all riders.

A large number of volunteers helped on the day including Grant Shearman, Wayne Fenn, Carol Roberts, John Arbuckle, Dave Drummond all out on the course,  Mike Simpson as commissaire, and Matt Levin who used the new timing equipment. Special thanks to all those that assisted including those at the start and finish lines.

click here for results