Sunday 30 March.

Colyton Hall 9am.

A few late registrations were received along with a few associate members that signed up on the day.

A fantastic crew of helpers who just turned up so a special thanks to them all. A bit of a challenge to think of 2 separate courses and to think of 2 different finish lines but 1 start line. The race briefing was conducted at the Colyton School carpark. Order of start was changed due to a request  so that all the senior, Under 19, Under 17 male riders started first with Under 17 and under 19 females starting 1 minute back. The last off on the 33km Valley Rd circuit were the under 15 and under 13 riders a further minute back.

Then heading off in the other direction was all of the Masters riders in one bunch. There were fortunately no tales of riding without a seat today. Two of the women riders completed 2 laps whilst the rest of the riders completed 3 laps. Race reports will be forthcoming.

Click here for results.