The final Wednesday night time trials have been held with the approach of autumn and the end of daylight savings.

The yard at Horizons was again a great place to meet, register and congregate at the end to compare notes on how the ride went for the night. And last night was no exception with drinks and nibbles on offer whilst the final riders returned.

There was a special spot prize draw for all riders as an enticement for all riders to stay for the prizegiving. Over the series numerous helpers have been involved in running this event and without their help this event would not be able to be run. So once again on behalf of all the riders a BIG THANKS to all that have helped out in any way.

Over this series we have had 75 riders compete, with a total of 194 results recorded.  The time trials return once daylight saving returns at the end of the year.

Some outstanding times were achieved this year and with the club time trial champs only 2 weeks away it is hoped that the improvement that the riders have made will be apparent at the champs.

Prizemoney was awarded to people who had gained 7 points or more so the point of consistency in always turning up no matter what the weather conditions certainly paid off for a few riders.

Click here for results