I had a query by email at 4pm to ask whether or not the time trials are still held if it is raining. And my reply was “Yes”. Well it wasn’t raining where I was. So I packed my bike and the rest of the gear required for the time trials in the car and headed off. As I got closer to Palmy I realised that it had been raining a bit but it had obviously stopped when I got to Kairanga Horizons yard and put the signs and cones out and readied myself for my time trial and registration.

Then water started to drip on me and I realised that the shelter that I was under was only a shade cloth and not waterproof. The fine drizzle remained just like that, not a downpour and not cold and not a howling gale. So out of the few riders that did turn up, there were a number of people who were able to better their previous best time including Jaimee Leader, Lynne James, Carne Groube and Andy Martin.

Thanks to the helpers Mike, Kirsty, Jo, Michael and Graeme on the turn who stood in the rain under umbrellas for the whole 32 minutes that it took from the time the first rider left to the last rider returned.

We are now half way through the series and the points are starting to accumulate nicely. Click here for results.