The first official day of spring certainly turned out to be a beautiful day and a stark contrast to the week before. Or perhaps it is just that the Manawatu has better weather than Pahiatua.
Registrations were taken at Ashhurst Library for what was set to be large numbers racing in the second in the series of three handicap races. D grade set off at the start followed 5 minutes later by C Grade. Large numbers meant that B grade was split into 2 start groups B with 13 riders starting at 9 mins and B+ also with 13 riders starting at 12 minutes. This would mean that the A grade which was also split would really need to do some work if they were going to catch the B graders by the finish line.
The juniors completed a shorter course turning at Raumai and racing back to the finish line at Ashhurst. In what would be regarded as a dead heat Daniel Kendall and Thomas Stannard could not be separated so they will both get 1 point for the handicap series.
Thanks to John Arbuckle for bringing the trailer out (Sorry John I still have your petrol vouchers in my car). Thanks also to our marshals Graeme Ransom and Matt Levin. Matt van Wagtendonk was again on the scene helping out as tail vehicle for the junior riders. Kirsty Kaihau helped out on registration. Special thanks to the helpers on the finish line - Paul and Carol Roberts, Fiona Huston and Paul Kendall.
Unfortunately for 1 rider number 90 he will gain no points for this race. 90 and another rider were sprinting for the line. The other rider crossed half a wheel length in front of 90. Both numbers were called and recorded. On the computer an error message automatically appeared. On further investigation rider 90 had crossed the finish line earlier. If this situation was not highlighted it could have meant that the judges pulled the finish line before the last rider crossed. The number of riders who start a race is recorded and then the number of riders that cross the finish line or report back as a DNF is also recorded so to cross the finish line twice is not a good idea.
Next weeks race and the final in the series along with prizegiving will be held at Ashhurst. Registraion again at Ashhurst library at 1pm.
Click here for full results of points for series after 2 races. These are the correct ones this time. HOPEFULLY
Click for Woolworths Cup results.