It is getting closer to the end of the series, just one more week of points and then prizegiving. To give you some facts and figures for this series, we have had 93 people particpate over the series. Some of those were only new last night, but we have had anything from  26 to 57 participants on any one night.

Of the 41 people that took part last night only 11 were able to better their previous best time. David Martin and Jessica Hamilton have both been able to improve on their times from the beginning of the series by nearly 3 minutes.

Mark Waterland who normally calculates the results for us is away on school camp this week so if you have any problems with the results this week I will be the one that will have to sort it out.


Thanks to the helpers this week – Marcel Hollenstein on the turn, Kirsty Kaihau, Michelle Mikkelsen, for recording starts and finish times, Paul Roberts for holding on the start line.

Click here for results.