Why can’t every Saturday be like this. Perfect conditions for a race- sun out but not too hot, just a breath of wind but not noticeable if you were standing still.

But unfortunately it is not the weather that is keeping people away from racing, it can’t be the hills cause there was none on this course, so perhaps it is the fear that the large bunches will be overwhelming. And that also was not the case for this day.

The majority of the junior riders were away at the CHB tour and so the A & B grades set off together to ride for 30 minutes plus 2 laps and because there was only a small C & D grade they set off at the same time to do a combined first lap before racing proper started. Sprint laps were to be every 5 laps.

After the first lap A & B grade took off leaving the C & D in their wake. A close call was had by one of the riders in the C & D grade race when coming around the top corner going wide to keep just off the back wheel of another rider and a car was coming along the road. Both the rider and the driver of the car got a fright along with Rory Blatchford who was marshalling the corner. He reported afterwards that he thought that he was going to have to scrap someone off the ground.

Thanks to Tom and Catriona Pirie who set the course up and were race managers. Thanks also to Rory Blatchford for marshalling along with Brent Ellery and Kirsty Kaihau who helped with recording and results. Thanks also to the spectators who cam and cheered the riders on. This was one event  where the spectators could actually see what was happening, break aways, bunchs splitting etc  as the race progressed.

An enjoyable afternoon tea (where future events along including Nationals and online registration were discussed) was enjoyed in the clubrooms at the conclusion.

Click here for results