As previously advised we were going to look at a different time of day to see if that suited people better. And if we were going to have a morning race why not finish with lunch. What a good idea.

So the plan was hatched, the organising of the course was done, the helpers were sought, the lunch organised, the registrations by email were opened.

And the entries didn’t come in. So despite the poor turn out those that did arrive on time did have a good race.

Originally the riders going to do 57km were going to leave 10minutes ahead of those doing 37km, but as Mark was still doing his warmup all riders left together as one bunch.

As I followed them out from Ashhurst to Raumai only one rider had dropped from the bunch and the 3 juniors were tucked safely in to the back of the bunch working to stick on the blistering pace.

A special thanks to the helpers for the day, Kathy McKnight and Rebecca Denholm who recorded results, Erik D’Arbois and Matt van Wagtendonk who acted as turn marshalls.

The barbeque lunch that was served under the trees in the shade of Raumai reserve was enjoyed by all those that were able to stay. The laugh of the day was when a late rider who shall remain nameless turned up ready to race at 1pm. We were still quitely laughing on the inside when his father and another turned up also ready to race 10 minutes later.



Max Annear-Henderson 1:38:46 1st
Mark Waterland 1:39:34 2nd
Steve Glasgow 1:46:15 3rd
Luuk van Wagtendonk 1:03:16 1st
Chris Denholm 1:04:31 2nd
Megan Blatchford 1:06:19 3rd
Hayden Washington-Smith 1:07:10
James Denholm 1:11:40
Gemma Dudley 1:14:17
Kate Dudley 1:23:01