When I arrived at Kairanga there was a light drizzle that had set in. And the first to arrive rearing to go was Carne Groube with the big smile on his face that we have all come to recognise as his trade mark. His question to me was “Are we the only ones here again?” Well it wasn’t quiet 5.30pm and as registrations are not open until 5.45pm I suppose we should realise that there are only the keen ones about. Soon others started arriving and Kirsty Kaihau was spotted putting the signs up.


So the weather is not seen as a deterent for many. Helpers were pulled in from the parents that had brought the younger riders out.

Thanks this week goes to Kirsty Kaihau for setting up the signs, John van Lienen for holding on the start line, Rebecca Denholm for being the turn marshall and bringing the signs back in, Carol Roberts for recording results along with Kirsty and Matt Levin who yelled out numbers as riders crossed the line.

Please remember it is a team effort and the same people shouldn’t have to do the jobs week after week. You will note in the points table that the helpers from the first week did receive 2 points. (Dave yours will be fixed for next week)  So if you want 2 points just let me know and I will put you on the helpers list and allocate a job to you for next week.

Please note that we have put an application in to MDC to have permanent signs erected on the course so once this is done only the cones will need to be put out each week. These are currently stored in the Kairanga Hall.

Click here for week 2 results.