Tuesday nights racing fell victim to the wet summer and racing was called off so the Thursday was used as reserve day. An email was sent to the club on Wednesday morning asking for the Thursday night option to be advertised on the clubs website but as most sane people are on holiday at this time of the year, the request was not able to be actioned. Fortunately a wise group of eleven remembered the reserve day option and arrived for racing at the normal 5.45pm. While the numbers may have been down the talent clearly wasn’t as a number of records were either set or broken on the mild calm and overcast night.

The nights racing was made up of a short handicap race followed by an individual pursuit record attempt then all riders had a one lap time trial then a Keirin race and some more individual record attempts then the group finished with a long handicap race and the night wound up with another individual pursuit record attempt.

The rider of the night was awarded to Sharon Hollenstein on the back of her establishing the Masters Women 2 2000 meter Individual Pursuit record in a time that would have also smashed the Senior Womens record by 9 seconds. Sharon also established a record in the 1 lap time trial which was faster than the Senior Womens record. Layal Goggin established the record in the 1 lap for Masters Men 7. Brent Zimmerman established the mark for Masters Men 5 in a time faster than the record he holds for Masters Men 4. Sharon’s husband Marcel established a record in the Masters Men 4 3000 metre Individual Pursuit. In total the night produced 5 new entries to the tracks record book.

The long handicap race was a mix of grades and included a past regular competitor in Sjoerd van Wantendonk as he is home for a Christmas holiday before he returns to his European University. The eight lap race had limit marker Carne Groube with a 1 lap head start on scratch rider Jaycob Humphreys. At sixty meters Luuk van Wantendonk and Marcel Hollenstein were a little hard done by as the handicapper confessed he had not factored in that they had both completed individual pursuits, despite this they both worked well together to push the pace and then once passed by Jaycob they maintained a steady margin to the end. Carne was on his own and pushing a small gear but stayed clear for a good number of laps but the distance eventually took its toll. Sjoerd may be spending more time rowing a boat than riding a bike but he was able to demonstrate his fitness and his ability to grab a wheel and hang on as he did when Jaycob was able to pass with two laps to go. With 200 metres to go Jaycob sprinted to open a gap on Sjoerd and the steady hard working duo of Luuk and Marcel showed true steel to come in 3rd and 4th respectively.

Results for 12th January 2012

Under 15 Boys 3 Lap Handicap

1st Bryce Hirschberg

2nd Carne Groube

3rd Darren Hirschberg

All in 3 Lap Handicap

1st Jaycob Humphreys

2nd Luuk van Wantendonk

3rd Sjoerd van Wantendonk

3000 metre Individual Pursuit Masters Men 4

Marcel Hollenstein 4:08:28 established Masters Men 4

1 Lap time Trials

Fergus Bryan 41.73

Darren Hirschberg 40.53

Bryce Hirschberg 35.81

Carne Groube 36.37

Lyal Goggin 40.75 established Masters Men 7

Sharon Hollenstein 37.84 established Masters Women 2

Sjoerd van Wantendonk 33.24

Marcel Hollenstein 34.10

Luuk van Wantendonk 34.81

Jaycob Humphreys 32.53

Brent Zimmerman 32.03 established Masters Men 5

Keirin Heat 1 4 laps

1st Jaycob Humphreys

2nd Luuk van Wantendonk

3rd Marcel Hollenstein

Keirin Heat 2 4 Laps

1st Sjoerd van Wantendonk

2nd Sharon Hollenstein

3rd Carne Groube

4th Lyal Goggin

3000 metre Senior Mens Individual Pursuit

Luuk van Wantendonk 4:15.16

All in 8 Lap Handicap

1st Jaycob Humphreys

2nd Sjoerd van Wantendonk

3rd Luuk van Wantendonk

4th Marcel Hollenstein

2000 metre Individual Pursuit Masters Women 2

Sharon Hollenstein 3:04.20 established Masters Women 2