The Tuesday night was called off due to rain with the weather forecast tipping Thursday as a suitable replacement. Fortunately the forecast was correct and we had a great night with a light westerly that died off as the night went on to provide near perfect conditions for one lap record attempts later in the evening.

The nights programme included age graded 5 lap scratch races followed by 2 lap handicap races then in a departure from the routine we had all of the riders take part in team sprints. The wind eased and the light was plentiful so the riders were invited to have a go at breaking track records for the 1 lap standing start and then the evening concluded with longer age graded handicap races.


Of the nine record attempts we had 4 broken records and the establishment of 1 record, one of the broken records was over 10 years old and another 9 years. Hayley Giddens of Wanganui took more than 4 seconds off the Senior Womens mark.

The race of the night was provided by the Under 17 Boys and Girls 7 lap handicap race. The race began with the helter skelter expected in a race involving riders in this age group. The scratch bunch included George Roberts, Kate Stewart and Cameron Howell they gave Campbell Stewart and Josh Kendall a few hundred metres start and a gritty James Denholm and Takumi Clarke 300 metres start. George took a leadership role from the start with solid turns on the front as the scratch bunch worked well together to bridge the gap to the Under 15 rider Campbell Stewart who while he may be under in gearing is well over in ability. After the first two laps all riders were racing but little progress was being made to close any of the gaps and every one began giving Ian Gray the handicapper side ways glances. James and Takumi were applying the pressure on the chasers and nervous glances were being exchanged as riders tried to evaluate the task size of the task ahead.

Lap three saw enthusiasm replaced by fitness and in roads began to be made into the handicaps. With two laps to go the entire field had almost joined into one pack as the bell rang to signal the last lap the second race within the race began and riders positioned themselves in readiness for a mad dash for the line. George made the first bid with 300 metres to go with Kate close behind and Josh covering both of them. It was at the 200 metre mark that Cameron made his move from the back of the pack and with a smooth action he slide his way past the field to be clear at the top of the home straight and in control of the race. The characteristic single minded determination of Kate saw her take second from a fast finishing Josh.

Rider of the night awards were judged by timekeeper Steve Perry. He judged Cameron Howell the under 17 rider on the back of his win in the hard fought race of the night and Teagan Roffe for a solid effort in the Women’s 12 lap handicap race.

The fantastic nights racing ended on a disappointing note with a grub act by one rider when he deliberately forced another rider into the fence. For the integrity of the sport and more importantly for the safety of all riders on the track this rider must be dealt with strongly and transparently by the board. The message that deliberate endangerment has no place in any activity controlled by Bike Manawatu has to be made crystal clear to all.

Racing is held on Tuesday nights at Johnston Park Feilding with racing to start at 6.10pm. As the track is too slippery for the bikes if wet racing will be cancelled if it is raining.

Results for 8th December 2011

Under 15 Girls and Boys 5 lap race on whistle

1st Chris Denholm

2nd James Cuff

3rd Hayden Washington-Smith

4th Carne Groube

Under 17 Boys and Girls 5 lap race on whistle

1st Kate Stewart

2nd George Roberts

3rd Cameron Howell

4th Josh Kendall

Under 19, Senior and Masters Women plus Masters Men 5 lap scratch

1st Brent Zimmerman

2nd Marcel Hollenstein

3rd Hayley Giddens

4th Kelsi Eccles


Under 19 and Senior Men 5 lap points race

1st Jaycob Humphreys 10 points

2nd Mark Finlay 6 points

3rd Josh Chard 4 points

4th Luuk van Wantendonk 2 points

Under 15 Boys and Girls 2 lap handicap

1st Carne Groube

2nd Libby Arbuckle

3rd James Cuff

4th Hayden Washington-Smith

Under 17 Boys and Girls 2 lap handicap

1st Takami Clarke

2nd James Denholm

3rd Cameron Howell

4th Josh Kendall


Under 19, Senior and Msters Women

1st Ruby Perry

2nd Hayley Giddens

3rd Kelsi Eccles

4th Sharon Hollenstein

Masters Men 2 lap handicap

1st Steve Perry

2nd Marcel Hollenstein

3rd John Clarke

4th Brent Zimmerman

Under 19 and Senior Men

1st Josh Chard

2nd Jaycob Humphreys

3rd Luuk van Wantendonk

4th Mark Finlay

Team sprints

Hayley Giddens 1.31.35

Brent Zimmerman

Jaycob Humphreys

Kelsi Eccles 1.37.29

Peter Wenborn

Josh Chard

James Denholm 1.39.20

Josh Kendall

Kate Stewart

Ruby Perry 1.39.46

Teagan Roffe

Luuk van Wantendonk

Sharon Hollenstein 1.39.75

John Clarke

Marcel Hollenstein

Chris Denholm 1.39.90

Hayden Washinton-Smith

Cameron Howell

Carne Groube 1.42.10

James Cuff

Campbell Stewart

Libby Arbuckle 1.43.16

Takami Clarke

George Roberts

One lap standing starts

Carne Groube 36.82 existing record 33.15

Campbell Stewart 32.79 existing record 33.15 new record

James Cuff 33.16 existing record 32.79

Kate Stewart 34.44 existing record 34.74 new record

Brent Zimmerman 32.67 existing record 32.89 new record

Hayley Giddens 34.26 existing record 38.64 new record

Marcel Hollenstein 33.58 existing record 32.67

Kelsi Eccles 36.23 existing record 36.03

Peter Wenborn 35.96 established record for Masters Men 3

Under 15 Boys and Girls handicap 6 laps

1st Libby Arbuckle

2nd Chris Denholm

3rd Hayden Washington-Smith

4th Carne Groube

Under 17 Boys and Girls handicap 7 laps

1st Cameron Howell

2nd Kate Stewart

3rd Josh Kendall

4th George Roberts

Under 19, Senior and Masters Women handicap 12 laps

1st Hayley Giddens

2nd Teagan Roffe

3rd Ruby Perry

4th Sharon Hollenstein

Under 19, Senior and Masters Men handicap 12 laps

1st Mark Finlay

2nd Marcel Hollenstein

3rd Luuk van Wantendonk

4th Josh Kendall