Saturday 5 March club race

On a day starting with plenty of rain 9 Riders signed up for two laps of good old Valley Rd circuit in A grade and 10 in B grade. Surprisingly no C and D graders (except for one) were interested in this challenging circuit or was it the weather. On the first lap round A grade was sort of still in one bunch. The second lap made the difference though. At the end Miguel Dib and Kent Croote battled it out for the line honours. Kent had to dig deep to beat Miguel and to make it two in row after winning last weeks Petite Grimpeur.

The B grade split in more or less three bunches in the first lap with Max Annaer, Steve Glasgow, Mike McMinn, Steven Snell and Neil Martin in the break. Those 5 riders managed to stay together till the end. The sprint finish was won by Steve Glagow just before Max Annaer 2nd ( reversed compared with last weeks result) and Mike McMinn 3rd.


Results in full

A grade 2 laps 60 km km

Kent Croote 1:17:09, 1; Miguel Dib st 2; Mark Waterland 1:51:12. 3; Angus Findlay 1:51:19, 4; Daniel Lithgow 1:51:37, 5; Luuk van Wagtendonk 1:54:27, 6; Mark Findlay dnf, Jeremy Stephens dnf; Michael Hall dnf.

B grade 2 laps 60 km

Steve Glasgow 2:02:29, 1; Max Annaer st, 2;Mike McMinn st, 3; Steven Snell st, 4; Neil Martin st, 5; Stuart Doidge 2:09:55, 6; Alex DenHolm 2:13:05, 7; Sid Cuff 2:23:42, 8; James Hutton dnf; Erik D’Arbois dnf.

No Club race on Saturday 12 March. Hope to see you all at the Bush Tour Sunday 13 March