A stunning Saturday morning dawned and continued throughout the day for a very fast warm ride up the Wanganui River at the Cycling Wanganui annual Ross Cup held over 38km there and back. 56 riders in 4 handicapped grades raced up SH4. BikeManawatu was represented with 5 riders who featured prominently in the placings.

Right from the whistle the pace was hot and fast with average speed for B grade 39.7kmh. The B grade riders worked very well as a team and pushed the group to close the 5:30 minute gap on the A grade catching them (and C&D) with approx 13 km to finish. The pace was fast and furious with the speedo never falling below 40 kmh and often topping mid 50 kmh as the A and B graders battled it out for line honours. Nate Levin and Ross Castle worked together very well and made several attacks but couldn’t shake the bunch as it came down to a high speed bunch sprint across the finish. Local knowledge of finish line beat the visitors as they were looking for finish flags when their wheels hit the tape.
Cameron Huston and Britteny Baker lead a determined team of hard working high energy C grade riders up the river and back to cross the line in well deserved One Two positions. Jessica Hamilton worked consistently throughout her race though the high pace took it’s toll and she finished slightly behind the main bunch for 2nd in A grade women.