At 8am this morning there was not a breath of wind in Wanganui. The river although it still did not look the most inviting it did not have a ripple on it.

However by about 9am when the first riders were heading off up the time trial course the wind had started to pick up and it fluctuated throughout the day. At one point about midday we could look back at Wanganui and see the rain coming. It did but it was only light misty rain that didn't stay around for long. Although I do not have all the results to hand the results so far were pleasing.

Notable preformances today were from
Michaela Drummond who was placed 4th in under 15 girls

Rachel Southee who was placed 5th in under 19 women

Jocelyn Goodwin who was placed 3rd in Masters 3 women

Sue McMaster who also placed 3rd in Masters 4 women

Steve Stannard who also placed 3rd in Masters 2 Men

Full results for today will be on the website tomorrow.