Mark Findlay (photo Kirsty Kaihau) Bike Manawatu fielded a 30 man strong team for the 3rd edition of the Ultimo Central Hawkes Bay Junior Tour. Rachel Southee, Mark Findlay, Michaela Drummond and Emily Shearman rode very well all claiming second places in their grade.

Except for the U13 boys BM had entries in all the grades. It is very pleasing to see that in their inaugural year BM has juniors competing in all age groups.

In the U13 girls Emily Shearman riding her first cycling event ever wore the leader’s jersey for two days but was just beaten in stage two to get second overall. In the U15 boys Josh Kendall was BM top place getter. He was 3rd overall and won stage 1 and 2. Michaela Drummond did very well in the U15 girls claiming second place overall. The U17 men was the U17 Men ready to go stage 1 (photo Kirsty Kaihau) biggest grade of the tour. With 9 riders BM was wel presented in this field. It was Mark Findlay who impressed most. In stage two he rode on his own in front of the peloton for quite a while showing the watching national selectors that they had to look at him. On the straight home he was caught by the peloton to take 4th place in stage 2 and to claim 2nd place overall. The U17 girls saw the track stars Ruby Perry and Kate Stewart on the line. Both riding well taking spot 7 and 12 respectively. Miguel Dib (photo Kirsty Kaihau)

In the U19 women Rachel Southee started strong in the openings time trial with a second place. She defended that place for the whole tour taking 2nd place overall. Five young men took it out in the U19 men field. A very competitive field and long stages. Miguel Dib and Angus Findlay were the top performers in this grade with an 8th and a 13th place respectively.

The Ultimo CHB Junior Tour is a well run event close to the Manawatu and there for a good start for the first years juniors to try tour riding. For the older ones it is a good test to see were you are compared with some of the national competition. All riders will have worked out what the learning

Angus Findlay (photo Kirsty Kaihau)

has been and what they have to do to achieve their goals in the events to come. For the supporters this tour brings an extra dimension because you can stay at Pukeora Estate, race head quarters for the Tour and one of the sponsors. Very conveniently the beds are made, dinner and breakfast served and you can mix and mingle over a wine or two.

For the results in full go to results