2020 – 2021 Track Season

Please Click Here to fill in our Track Season 2020 - 2021 Entry, Prices, and Payment + Waiver

1. Please fill out one form per rider.
2. Hit 'Submit' and we will send you an invoice accordingly

Please note that Bike Manawatu club membership and Cycling NZ licences must be bought separately from www.cyclingnewzealand.nz OR social members from https://www.enternowonline.com/4437

Track is raced on the following years licence E.g. 2021
Juniors Grade is based on your age as at the 31st December 2021
Under 13 = 12 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 15 = 14 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 17 = 16 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 19 = 18 or younger at 31 December 2021

Click Here to Join Bike Manawatu as a social member
Click Here if you wish to purchase a Cycling NZ licence and choose “Become a Member”

A friendly reminder:
* You must be a Bike Manawatu member $25 Junior $45 Adult $80 Family (CNZ licences will also incur a centre and WCNI fee)
* Track season fees are $30
* Bike Hire fee is $80
* Bike Bond fee is $60

Indemnity and acknowledgement In consideration to being permitted to participate in any cycling events at Johnston Park Velodrome for any Bike Manawatu organised event the Rider understands and agrees to abode by the terms and conditions set out in this document.Bike Manawatu: any Board Member of Bike Manawatu or employee or person endorsed by the Board, including any volunteer acting in an official capacity as representing Bike Manawatu.

Indemnity and acknowledgement
1. Rider hereby releases, waives and discharges Bike Manawatu, from any liability and claims for loss, and agrees and covenants not to sue for, any claim, liability, or demand of any kind or on account of personal injury, temporary or permanent disability, death, property damage, or other damages, wheather caused by the negligence of Bike Manawatu or otherwise, resulting from or in any way associated with the Rider using Johntson Park Velodrome and any cycling equipment and participating in any organised cycling activities.

2. Rider further hereby voluntarily assumes all risks of personal injury, including temporary or permanent disability or death, property damage, economic losses, and/or other damages to Rider and their equipment.

3. Rider hereby grants Bike Manawatu, the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to use , reuse, publish and re-publish photographic portraits or pictures of Rider or in which Rider included, in whole or in part, or composite

Rider also consents to the use of any printed matter in conjunction therewith.
If the Rider us under 18 years of age parental consent is required.

4. Rider acknowledges there are Specific hazards associated with riding on the Velodrome and agrees to follow any rules, controls and guidelines provided by Bike Manawatu.


Bike Manawatu or membership of an affiliated Cycling New Zealand clubs membership is required if you attend Track Cycling.
You can become a social Member which will allow you to attend all Track & Road events at a members price OR If you wish to be able to formally race at any level (not including "fun" rides) then you should register as a Bike Manawatu member through the Cycling NZ Membership portal taking the "Ride Club" or "Ride Youth", or "Race" options depending on your requirements:

Click this link to join as a social member https://www.enternowonline.com/4437
Click this link to join via Cycling New Zealand https://www.cyclingnewzealand.nz/ and click "become a member"

Please remember Track is raced on your 2021 Age - Therefore it is encouraged to purchase your 2021 membership from October 1 onwards - this will take you through to 31 December 2021 IF you purchase a 2021 Cycling NZ licence

Bike Hire

Bike Hire Conditions
Conditions of Hire: Please Read

1. The cycle is to be insured for theft and fire under the household contents insurance.
2. The cycle must not be ridden on the road and the frame and all gear must be kept in good order.
3. The cycle must not be painted and NO stickers are permitted to be placed on it.
4. The hirer is responsible for the repair or replacement of parts on the track bike should it be involved in an accident.
5. The hirer of the bike is responsible for the replacement of tubular tyres that puncture or blow out. These tyres must be replaced with a tyre of similar quality so as the bike can be used on the track in a safe manner. The same applies to those bikes that have a clincher tyre and tube.
6. The club has the right to revoke the contract if the conditions of hire are not adhered to.
7. As a hirer of a club asset you will be asked to support the club by making yourself or someone on your behalf to help with the running of the track programme. Full training will be given for any role given
8. *50% of your bond will be forfeited if the cycle is not returned by the end of April 2021.

We look forward to a great Track Season