UPDATE: 11AM SUNDAY 11/12/16 - Track Carnival will go ahead for a 1pm start time
The weather in Feilding is reasonable, and it doesn't look like it will rain. Therefore at this stage it looks like we will be going ahead with racing! There is a bit of wind so riders will need to be aware of this when racing. Don't forget your $5 cash and some spare change for the BBQ! BikeManawatu Track riders need to bring their numbers. Registration 11:45 to 12:30, racing starts at 1pm. Best of luck for racing all!
It is currently not raining in the Manawatu and there are stong winds. There is promising blue sky currently, but the forecast is for showers this morning and clearing in the afternoon. At this stage we beleive there is a 50% chance the carnival will be postponed and we will review the situation at 11am, as we will have a better idea of if the wetaher is improving or not be then. For those travelling this information is the best we can give at this stage, and we are doing our best to keep you informed.
We are running a WCNI track Carnival on Sunday 11 December at 1pm in Feilding. Here is all you need to know incase the weather is not in our favour...
-The weather forecast in the Manawatu is OK for tomorrow, with about a 60% chance of rain
-We will only race if the track is dry (takes about 1.5 hrs to dry out)
-An update on the weather will be given at 9am for those travelling to the event
-The final call whether the event is postponed or not will be made by 11:30am by our race manager Ian Gray and posted here, on the event page and 'BikeManawatu Track Cycling' Facebook group. This final call is made at this time, as majority of the riders attending are local riders.
-If postponed we will run the event the following week, 18th December at 1pm.
If you are travelling from out of town and want an earlier or more frequent update the best person to contact would be Ian Gray (0211205751) and if you can't get hold of him Kate Stewart (0278139922), she is out of town but will point you in the right direction.