BIKE MANAWATU Track meeting
Venue: Johnston Park Feilding
ROAD BIKES: Warm up 1:15pm, racing 1:30pm sharp to 2:30pm
TRACK BIKES: Warm up 2:30pm, first Race 3:00pm sharp
Track bike programme H/C = Handicap Race
- U15 Grade – 5 lap race on whistle (2 bunches)
- A Grade
- B Grade
- U17 Grade – 4 lap H/C
- Masters Grade – 4 Lap H/C
- A & B Grade – 5 lap H/C
- All Grades – 1 lap Scratch races. Order, U15 Girls, U15 B Grade, U15 A Grade, Masters, U17’s, Women, senior men (no more than 6 riders per race)
- U15 B Grade – 3 lap H/C
- U15 A Grade – 4 lap H/C
- U17 Grade – 6 Lap H/C
- Masters Grade – 6 lap H/C
- A & B Grade – 7 lap points race
- Women’s Grade – 7 lap points
- U15B Grade – 7 Lap H/C
- U15 A Grade - 10 lap H/C
- U17 Grade – 10 lap H/C
- Masters Grade – 7 lap H/C
- A & B Grade – 15 lap H/C
Race Manager: Ian Gray
Commissaire/s: Graeme Eaton, Wayne Fenn
Finish line duties: Peter Cuff, Bernie Richmond, Dave Hoskin (Lap board), Suzanne Winterburn
Starter: Simon Irvine
Handicapper: Ian Gray
First Aid: Dave Hoskin / Rob Gardner
Whip (calling next race and gate control): Mark Tuck
Bike checks: Brent Zimmerman
Race Manager for Road bikes: Joe Caldwell and Aaron Claasen
Next meeting (20th November) we will have the 2nd round of the 1 lap TT competition. There is $250 sponsorship for this competition over the season. Only the riders who rode the first round on 24 October will be eligible for prizemoney. The aim of the competition is to be the rider in your grade that beats its original time by the biggest margin over the season.