The second half of the track season is well under way, and what a great season it's been. Many records have fallen, for participation and times. With the Elite & U19 track nationals only 10 days away it is excited to see that these riders are really coming on form and we wish them the best of luck.
A few administrative notes...
Track fees, most of you registered and paid $15 at the start of the season. If you have just joined us for racing in the new year please email me your details (Name, DOB, whether you are a BikeManawatu member or not, email and an emergency contact) and pay $10 directly into the BikeManawatu account (010745028492500 & make sure you include 'Track fees' and 'Your name' as a reference) or give me cash at track.
Membership. To race track you are required to be a BikeManawatu member. If you just race track and our club events you just need to join BikeManawatu. I will have forms at the IP champs on Sunday. If you wish to race anything further, for example WCNI events and nationals (road & track) you wil need a CyclingNZ licence including being a BikeManawatu member and paying WCNI centre fees. There are many options for this, see more on the CyclingNZ website. I will start following up that you have either of these membership forms.
Results & Records are not currently up to date sorry! I will get onto this in the next few weeks, as I know the records have been changing hands lately, and I'm sure they will continue to with all the club champs. Results are avaliable in the 'Event Results and Records' section on the website.
Club Track Championships rules can be found here. Don't forget the 200m flying on Tuesday 2nd Feb and the Individual Pursuit on Sunday 7th February. Please email myself if you are considering riding (not a major if you email me but then don't end up getting there on the day) so that we can have a bit of an idea about numbers so we can put out rough start times.
Manawatu Standard Results. At the start of the season I sent these in every week, but have ran out of time so far this year as they have to be put into 'newspaper format'. I would appreciate a few people to put their hand up to type the results from the google spreadsheet into this format (it's not hard at all). Please email me abiut this if this sounds like you!
Volunteers. Thanks so much to our great team, with quite a few new parents that have really stepped up and are doing a great job!!
Kind regards,
Kate Stewart
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