We have had a great track season, but unfortunately it has nearly come to a close. Our last track meet is Tuesday 10 March 2015, with things being fully wraped up at our prizegiving on 25 March at the Marist Club Rooms.
Important notes before the season comes to a close...
- Payment- It is important that everyone has paid to race for the season ($10.00 before and and another $10.00 after Christmas). Most people have paid, but if you haven't please give your money to Kate Stewart on Tuesday before she chases you up about it
- Bike Hireage- We understand that many of you may want to race on the track after the North Island secondary school cycling championships. If this is you and you currently have a hire bike let us know that you want to keep it until after this schools racing. For everyone else who has hired a bike please return it after our final meet on 10 March. From there we will check that the bikes are in good condition and we will then get the bond payments back to you.
- Prizegiving- A lot of effort is put into the track prizegiving to make sure that everyone is recognised for their track cycling achievements over the season. It would be great if you could make a big effort to come to this prizegiving, majority of riders will recieve some sort of prize.The following trophies were won last year and need to be returned to Ian Gray.
Samara Fenn- U15G
Dineth Rajapakse- U15B
Carne Groube- U17B
Michaela Drummond- U17G
Jordan Castle- U19B
- Feedback- It has been a great season, but we know there are lots of areas where we can improve. We are open to feedback (positive and constructive) on how you think the season has gone and any suggestions you have for the future. Please send these to Kate (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
And best of luck to all of our riders at the Age Group Champs this coming week! If someone wants to write an update about our riders at thsi event you can send something through to Kate and she can publish it on the website :)