You can call it the luck of the Irish or whatever good fortune you may wish- in that we have been very lucky, amongst all the adverse windy and often wet weather we have had, that all our club track meets have been held in good weather so far and Tuesday there was no exception.

The nights racing on Tuesday was first rate and the standard and fitness of the riders is the best I have seen at this stage of the track season.

The one lap TT produced some very good times and the top 5 riders who reduced there times from the opening night were:

1st Max Cousins a whopping decrease of 10.18sec

2nd James Gardner 3.85sec

3rd Danielle Rayner 3.29sec

4th James Denholm 2.21sec

5th Pieta Ransom 2.20

The first 3 win a drink bottle each courtesy of Adam Curry at Central Bicycle Studio.

How Max Cousins managed a 10+ second reduction nobody knows unless he was thinking of last years $100 competition and thought he would ride a “stoomer” first time up.

For all of you who don’t know what stoomer is, it was used by roadies years ago indicating they purposely rode poorly to get a big handicap in the open races in the season ahead.

One of the big performances of the night was the fighting ride by James Gardner to win the U15 8 lap, from the limit mark having no co-markers to help him. A huge improvement by James. Unlike previous weeks his pace didn’t fade away in the last lap when it looked as if Zoe Croton would catch and pass him. Next time James, don’t look behind in the finishing straight as it may cost you a race in the future. Looking behind means you slow a little instead of driving strongly to the line.

Rider of the night: James Gardner

Thanks to Bent Zimmerman for running the standing start training last Sunday and it was well received by the 14 riders present.

The following links are from Brent, regarding standing starts:


U Tube Standing Starts
