Schools Cycling Prizegiving: 12:15pm at the Feilding Yellows Club Rooms.

If you don't already race on the track bring your road bike and your gear and race with other road bikes on the track!


ROAD BIKES: Warm up        1:15pm

Racing                        1:30pm – 2:30pm

TRACK BIKES: Warm up        2:30pm

                        First Race      3:00pm Sharp

~ Today ride the excitement of Keirin Racing! ~

1. U15’s Points Races

  1. Boys – 5 laps, 2 Sprints
  2. Girls- 5 Laps, 2 Sprints             

2. U17/ Women Points race (7 laps, 2 Sprints)           

3. A Grade Points race (7 laps, 2 Sprints)

4. Keirin Races (5 Laps) Motorbike leaves track 1 ½ Laps to go (end of back straight)

  1. U15s maximum of 4 riders per heat
  2. All other grades 5 riders per heat

NOTE: Riders must not go ahead of the rear of the back wheel of the motorbike pacer.


  1. U15 Boys
  2. U15 Girls
  3. U17’s and Women
  4. A Grade

*Note: Heats may be needed if more than 10 riders


  1. U15s (8 laps)
  2. U17’s and Women (12 laps)
  3. A Grade (16 Laps)



Race Manager: John Stewart

Commissaire/s: Mike Simpson (Chief), Wayne Fenn

Chief Judge: Brent Zimmerman

Time Keepers:

  1. Chris Croton
  2. Peter Robson
  3. Rebecca Allan

Starter: Grant Sherman

Recorder/ Results: John Arbuckle

Handicapper: Ian Gray

First Aid: Rob Gardner/ Joanne Stewart

Gate Control:

NOTE: Extra Judges and Timekeepers to be appointed on night by Race Manager, as required.

Please phone/ text Ian Gray (0211205751) by Saturday evening if not available.