Six series were held 20/10/13, 27/10/2013, 12/11/2013, 19/11/2013, 3/12/2013 and 25/02/2014.


The initial list (A) includes all riders initial time the rider rode in the competition..


The second list (B) includes all the riders best times.


Where riders have improved times, the number in brackets includes the number of times they improved their time.


List A Initial times in order of best time to slowest time. (49 riders)




1          J Castle                        29.89

2          J Cuff                          30.98

3          J Humphreys               31.16

4          C Simpson                   31.35

5          C Stewart                    31.44

6          C Groube                    31.95

7          L Brown                      32.03

8          D Muller                      32.15

9          Fergus Allan                32.26

10        L Mudgeway              32.34

11        B Zimmerman             32.52

12        A McKenzie                32.57

13        C Denholm                  32.58

14        J van Lienen                32.86

15        J Denholm                   32.92

16        J Yates                                    32.97

17        G Payne                      32.98

18        M Drummond             33.04


20        M Kinghorn                33.61

21        M Simpson                  34.16

22        J Stewart                     34.19

23        R Perry                        34.43

24        G Haggett                   34.55

25        H Mikkelsen                34.58

26        K Stewart                    34.64

27        E Shearman                 34.85

28        H Washington- Smith 35.11

29        M Hollenstein             35.40

30        G Bryan                      35.51

31        L Arbuckle                  35.53

32        F Bryan                       35.82

33        S Perry                       36.04

34        T Yaumachi                 36.62

35        D Simpson                  36.81

36        F Allan                        36.87

37        D Rajapaske                37.89              

38        M Groube                    37.93

39        M Gardner                  37.97

40        F Washington-Smith   38.43

41        Wayne Scott               39.03

42        S McKenzie                39.06

43        S Fenn                         39.64

44        A Stewart                    40.00

45        A Robson                    40.73


47        P Ransom                    41.64

48        M Cousins                   42.78

49        J Gardner                    43.45



List B Final list of best times to determine the rider who moved up the rankings the most places.

1          J Castle                        29.64 (1)

2          C Groube                    30.58 (3)

3          J Humphreys               30.91 (1)

4          J Cuff                          30.98

5          J Yates                                    31.14 (2)

6          F Allan                        31.15 (2)

7          C Simpson                   31.35

8          B Zimmerman             31.38 (2)

9          C Stewart                    31.41

10        J Denholm                   31.85 (1)

11        L Brown                      31.94 (2)

12        A McKenzie                32.01 (1)

13        D Muller                      32.15

14        L Mudgeway              32.34

15        C Denholm                  32.58

16        J van Lienen                32.86


18        G Payne                      32.98

19        M Drummond             33.04

20        M Simpson                  33.48 (1)

21        M Kinghorn                33.61

22        K Stewart                    33.70 (1)

23        H Mikkelsen                33.82 (1)

24        J Stewart                     34.19

25        L Arbuckle                  34.26 (1)

26        G Bryan                      34.34 (2)

27        R Perry                        34.43

28        G Haggett                   34.55

29        F Bryan                       34.57 (2)

30        S Perry                                    34.72 (2)

31        E Shearman                 34.85

32        H Washington- Smith 35.11

33        M Hollenstein             35.40

34        S McKenzie               35.57 (1)

35        T Yaumachi                 36.35 (1)

36        F Allan                        36.40 (1)

37        D Rajapaske                36.57 (1)

38        M Groube                    36.66

39        D Simpson                  36.81

40        M Gardner                  36.93 (1)                     


42        F Washington-Smith   37.90 (1)

43        P Ransom                    38.83 (1)

44        W Scott                       39.03

45        S Fenn                         39.34 (1)

46        A Stewart                    39.85

47        A Robson                    40.73

48        M Cousins                   41.84 (1)

49        J Gardner                    43.45


Congrats! to Joel Yates who is the winner of the $100 prize.


He improved his ranking the greatest, from 16 to 4 (12 positions). His best time was done on 3/12/2013.


The riders of note who improved their rankings were:

Stuart McKenzie                     41 to 33 (7 positions)

Libby Arbuckle                       31 to 25 (6 positions)

Greg Bryan                             30 to 26 (4 positions)

Liam Brown                            11 to 7  (4 positions)


It is good to note that 49 riders had participated. It is interesting to note a lot of riders did not improve their times, partly due to the good conditions in the early rounds in October. People who were not members of any club have been deleted from the list.